This is 1000% rampant speculation on my part, but you guys might dig it:
As everyone knows, Norton is DEATHLY afraid of having ANY alcohol.
All of us had assumed that he's just a giant pussy, and he was irrationally worried about it.
Right now, I'm trying to get on a liver transplant list. In order to qualify, my alcohol tests have to ASTOUNDINGLY low. A single beer would bounce me off a transplant list. I've read stories about people who got disqualified because they used hand sanitizer.
And the tests go waaaaaaay back. They can detect alcohol use for about 30-45 days using something called a "peth" test, and they can test your hair for however long your hair is. If your hair is four inches long, they can do a hair test to see if you had a drink in July of 2024.
I've been doing research to make sure that I pass all my tests with flying colors, and noticed something funny:
most of the people who are scrutinized at this level are on probation for a crime.
IE, for every person like ME, who's trying to get a liver because I blew mine up, there are a hundred dudes who are sweating the test because they don't want to go back to prison for violating their parole.
That might explain why:
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1) Jim cut off all his hair in the 90s
2) he's scared shitless of the tiniest drop of booze
If so, it begs the question: if he was arrested, what was it for?
I tried searching, but all of the 'hits' come back for when he was arrested during 'Sex for Sam.'