Jim Carrey is an unfunny rubbery faggot



Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of those movies I'll never watch again because it made me feel suicidally depressed. I barely even remember anything about it, just that while I was watching it I kept getting those pains in my chest and stomach that you get when you find out one of your friends died.
Sounds like you need to tell your doctor to lower your estrogen a lil bit.


My American fan/buddy sent an email about a year ago with a link, and the heading said "This is why Method Actors should die".

Sure enough, it was that Netflix documentary about Carrey filming Man on The Moon, claiming he was possessed by the spirit of Andy during filming.

If any of you have ever watched that, you had to come away realizing just how insane that fucking guy is. The douche chills I got from that exceeded any movie set stories I've been told.
If I was the ghost of andy kaufman I’d possess the body of someone who wrestled women constantly, like a gaurd at a female prison

I dont think I’d waste a second of my eternal time in Jim Carreys std riddled body so he could ape my life better


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
The Truman Show would have worked with any actor in his place. I'd take Michael Keaton over Carrey in that role.

Keaton never got the respect her deserved as an actor.

He excelled at comedy, he could do straight drama, and he's still my favorite Batman. I don't know how he pulled it off with no muscle, but you just see the intensity on his face and I still think "Yeah, that motherfuckers Batman."