It’s feeding time

I wonder what comments got to him. Was it him abandoning his mom? Or saying his girlfriend takes BBC? Or saying he sold his home at a loss?

He doesn’t have a problem with us. He has a problem that everything we’re saying is completely true and he hates that.
It's anything which hurts his ego. He's always been this way. He can dish it out but can't take it. It just became more obvious when his Twitter addiction got the better of him. He blocks anyone who is remotely critical of him, unless it's a celebrity or someone like Ron Bennington.

Remember, he maneuvered his way into moderating Wackbag for a while and would ban anyone who insulted him, and especially anyone who mentioned "Lobster Girl". When he didn't have the power, or enough ballwashers, to censor the O&A sub it bothered him so much he put a $5,000 bounty on it and promised to give that reward to anyone who could get the sub banned. Of course that's when Brother Slow amped up the fraudulent DMCAs. He really wanted that $5,000.

Sue Lightning

It's anything which hurts his ego. He's always been this way. He can dish it out but can't take it. It just became more obvious when his Twitter addiction got the better of him. He blocks anyone who is remotely critical of him, unless it's a celebrity or someone like Ron Bennington.

Remember, he maneuvered his way into moderating Wackbag for a while and would ban anyone who insulted him, and especially anyone who mentioned "Lobster Girl". When he didn't have the power, or enough ballwashers, to censor the O&A sub it bothered him so much he put a $5,000 bounty on it and promised to give that reward to anyone who could get the sub banned. Of course that's when Brother Slow amped up the fraudulent DMCAs. He really wanted that $5,000.
Lol banned mentions of one of the forums on the air because they would accurately point out what a whore his girlfriend was. Ol Nana just loves his sloppy seconds wether its an intern or his own brother.

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
Pretty sure @chiquita banana is a bit. Surprised there aren’t more pretend nana ballwashers tbh. Pretty easy and fun bit to do-and this guy does it well.

I definitely fell for it. I should know better than to think anyone here actually believes retards should not be aborted or gassed.
Haha I 1000 percent hope it is, cause from that lens it’s x3000 funny
What does drinking even bring for him. Well ok the obvious answer of numbing out everything but jesus. The other option besides not drinking is speeding up your death. It’s like he has no conception he almost died less than a year ago. He’s basically just like Lady Di towards the end of her on air appearances, stuck in this drunk haze and on his way to believing it’s still 1994.

I mean, that's how you die of addiction right?

You wind up in a cycle where:

1) you spend so much time fucked up, that being sober feels unnatural

2) you become physcially dependent. For instance, it's beyond obvious that the reason Ant got into Xanax is that it treats the panic attacks from booze withdrawal

3) Then you begin to suffer from physical consequences like A FUCKING HEART ATTACK

4) And then the Super Dark Phase is where life becomes a miserable cycle of getting drunk/high, just to feel "normal", but your body feels like shit.

It used to crack me up when people would complain about hangovers; I never got a hangover for a decade straight, because I'd just self medicate with booze.

Grim stuff.