It’s feeding time

Sue Lightning

You're a tweaker who's also on brain meds who sees things, and it's the weekend. You're probably full of all kinds of fluids and pills and sundry substances right now. Keep your delusions to yourself.
Needed to edit your comment babyboy? Feeling nervous out of all people, the biggest faggot ever saw you slip up?

Forumfingered faggot. Alt having faggot. Take the L retard

Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile
@Anthony's Lime Rickey

Here's my thoughts

You sperg out about his/missys f/n tweets everyday almost, which is ironic, cause that's what Ant does all day, lose his shit over shit beyond his control and use a social media platform to bitch about it. Irony!

He literally gets way more angry at CoD than you've ever made him as far as I can tell (he barely reacted to your guys' trolling, I watched the stream, your guys patting eachother on the back for it is super lame since virtually nothing happened).

Specifically your obsession with hating him is cringey, especially if politics is the reason why (gay) and especially if it's not funny (you're not, you're just a sperg who hates him cause he hates blacks which is lame and gay and kills the mood around here). With you it's not even about mocking him-- which is the only reason any of us should be interested in doing it-- with you it's just personal revenge it seems. Again, you're not funny so why are you taking the lead in this trolling/reporting on him all day?

Nice freedom of speech, stupid! Ya dumb wop! HAHA HOLEESHIT!!

You're an unfunny, lead-weight hack who's only been here since November, and you've been posting everyday, all day about this faggot. Get a job sir!

(also @chiquita banana is the same as you, but in reverse, so thus
also a fag)
i just really hate pedophiles, plus it's fun to roast him.

Mustard's affectation

Hoochie coochie man
i just really hate pedophiles
Do ya?

you might wanna team up with someone other than @Sue Lightning, who seems like a medicated, zombified kid toucher himself.
plus it's fun to roast him.
Lol You're not good at roasting him bro, if you were any good at it I wouldn't be saying anything. The only good trolls are Pat trolls, that's it. You guys suck.

I saw the stream where you claim he was owned. He didn't even fucking react. It was the most underwhelming shit I've seen come from this place and you wanna act like it was some big win. It was the gayest shit I've ever seen, it was so lame and lackluster I realized everyone here is just lying to themselves.


*Ant notices something, doesn't get upset, asks if there's any mods, moves on like nothing happened FOR THE REST OF THE STREAM*

Yeah great own, you lying faggots. Nothing happened and you and the tranny/potential kid toucher are patting eachother on the back like it was the troll of the century. Get real :lynch_sm:
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I was chest-bumped, alroight!
Nana mad



Sue Lightning

no, his doctor didn't. There is no therapeutic value to red wine. Disproven many times. Back when I used to drink my cardiologist, if pressed, would reluctantly agree to 4oz or red wine a couple of days a week. No more. Nana is just a drunk
So I can drink, doc?
So I can drink, doc?
What? I just said no.
Yeah but I mean just a little?
…I mean if you insist maybe a sip of wine.
Ok, so a sip. Why not two sips?
I suppose two sips would be fine…
Ok, so what about a glass?
Look, odds are a glass won’t kill you, but I advise against it.
Yeah but what if the glass is really small?
A glass is a glass.
Yeah but what if the wine is expensive?
You know what? Sure. You can drink however much you want.
no, his doctor didn't. There is no therapeutic value to red wine. Disproven many times. Back when I used to drink my cardiologist, if pressed, would reluctantly agree to 4oz or red wine a couple of days a week. No more. Nana is just a drunk
LOL of course. In fact, I would wager that after determining he had an alcohol abuse problem, his doctors strongly advised him to quit and/or enter treatment, which he shrugged, tittered, and giggled away with that stupid gay look on his face he always had whenever he's confronted with anything.
So I can drink, doc?
So I can drink, doc?
What? I just said no.
Yeah but I mean just a little?
…I mean if you insist maybe a sip of wine.
Ok, so a sip. Why not two sips?
I suppose two sips would be fine…
Ok, so what about a glass?
Look, odds are a glass won’t kill you, but I advise against it.
Yeah but what if the glass is really small?
A glass is a glass.
Yeah but what if the wine is expensive?
You know what? Sure. You can drink however much you want.

so much so that he has ballwashers protecting him now in the chat, he openly admitted on the stream it did upset him.

Sue Lightning

so much so that he has ballwashers protecting him now in the chat, he openly admitted on the stream it did upset him.
I wonder what comments got to him. Was it him abandoning his mom? Or saying his girlfriend takes BBC? Or saying he sold his home at a loss?

He doesn’t have a problem with us. He has a problem that everything we’re saying is completely true and he hates that.