It’s feeding time


Potential R* Screenshotter
Yeah, just saw him take a slurp of red and noticed he’s in his drunk speak now.

Sue Lightning

What does drinking even bring for him. Well ok the obvious answer of numbing out everything but jesus. The other option besides not drinking is speeding up your death. It’s like he has no conception he almost died less than a year ago. He’s basically just like Lady Di towards the end of her on air appearances, stuck in this drunk haze and on his way to believing it’s still 1994.

Sue Lightning

Lol womanly faggot 2 inches from the screen because he’s so elderly and can’t afford good glasses so he gets scared by everything. And when he does he’s just. SO. GAY ABOUT IT. “Oh my starth!!!!!” and he gasps and puts his hand over his mouth

Anthony at his heart is the equivalent of a little sad molested boy just screaming to get out and also a raging adult faggot (as in literal cock sucking) conservative who has to pretend to be into things like Trump and the news and politics and life and responsibilities. He just wants to stay up all night, drink, game, tweet, play with toys, and keep away from blacks. No parents, no girls, my rules!!!