

Yeah and it's equally hard to imagine that people fall for it when these lying kikes (the intelligence agencies and their governments) put out memes that a bunch of Stone Age brown people under their thumb just happened to pull together and disable the Iron Dome but also can't do much damage, or that our technology isn't good enough to identify some Arabs who totally and really blew up three WTC buildings with two planes and a box cutter and ZERO help from any Israeli art students or moving men
They didn't disable it they overwhelmed it. They SHOULD have attacked the batteries when they had the IDF surprised but bc they are retarded savages they were too busy raping


Yeah and it's equally hard to imagine that people fall for it when these lying kikes (the intelligence agencies and their governments) put out memes that a bunch of Stone Age brown people under their thumb just happened to pull together and disable the Iron Dome but also can't do much damage, or that our technology isn't good enough to identify some Arabs who totally and really blew up three WTC buildings with two planes and a box cutter and ZERO help from any Israeli art students or moving men
Lol what a hopeless existence you live in. Sounds like they're holding all the cards. Time to lay down and die.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
WWAW "Auschwitshawarma"


More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
They didn't disable it they overwhelmed it. They SHOULD have attacked the batteries when they had the IDF surprised but bc they are retarded savages they were too busy raping
A ragtag group of freedom fighters used the ol' "overwhelm their defenses" tactic? Pat will be clapping his fat hands like a retard watching capeshit


Me: says ZOG are liars
You: "lol you're hopeless and think the enemy is holding all the cards, you should give up"

Congratulations, you're more retarded than Dougie
I said they were liars and you said "No, they're liars in the way that I want them to be, not in the most rational way! " Nice hopping on the bandwagon to cry that ze Jews are hiding under your bed, crybaby.