Is Biden dead/in a coma/or on a ventilator.


Stand Alone Fruit
Its also curious how everyones praising Biden like he’s dead. Can’t explain it other than the wording they’re using. “As he closes this chapter, I think him for his long career of public service.” I get he’s not running again so his career is over, but he’s still the President for 6 more months. People were treating that letter like it was a death announcement.
That’s what I mean, it’s not like “he did a great job and deserves to enjoy his time in retirement” like when someone retires, the tone is very “he did so much and we will miss him” fighting back tears. Coons being a DE Senator since 2010 and close to the Biden’s breaking down in tears to the point he couldn’t speak while discussing Biden stepping down really stood out as the question about his health.

Professor Rape

49 20 4C 49 4B 45 20 52 41 50 45
Political dynasties have existed here waaay before 1976. We could go back to the 1900’s.

Biden = 08, 12, 20
Clinton = 92, 96, 16
Bush = 80, 84, 88, 92, 00, 04
Nixon = 52, 56, 60, 68, 72
Roosevelt = 1900, 04, 12, 20, 32, 36, 40, 44

It looks bad laid out like that but look at our actual record. Our only father / son Presidential duos are Adams / JQA and HW / W and 250 years separated those families. Then the grandfather / grandson duo of Harrison / Harrison.

Every single other Presidential family member who ran was a failure. Tafts son couldn’t even get the nomination. Hilary failed as we all saw. Jeb! RFK has no shot and the OG RFK got shot. Adlai Stevenson II, son of VP Adlai Stevenson, failed to win the Presidency…twice.

Anyway thats your US history lesson with Sue


I have a face like a shovel
Joe Biden in a coma, I know
I know, it's serious
Joe Biden in a coma, I know
I know, it's really serious
There were times when I could
Have murdered him
But you know, I would hate
Anything to happen to him
No, I don't want to see him
Do you really think
She'll pull through
Do you really think
She'll pull through
Do ooh ooh ooh
Joe Biden in a coma, I know
I know, it's serious
My, my, my, my, my, my baby, goodbye
There were times when I could
Have strangled him
But you know, I would hate
Anything to happen to her
Would you please
Let me see her
Do you really think
He'll pull through
Do you really think
She'll pull through
Do ooh ooh ooh
Let me whisper my last goodbyes
I know, it's serious



Sue Lightning
