Imagine being this much of a pussy you can’t order something from subway

Ha what a loser. Yet I get it.

I order almost anything I buy online as I hate knowing some random is looking at all the food I want to eat as I stand there. More a "the fucks it got to do with you" feeling than anxious though


On the Joe Cumia retirement plan.
Ha what a loser. Yet I get it.

I order almost anything I buy online as I hate knowing some random is looking at all the food I want to eat as I stand there. More a "the fucks it got to do with you" feeling than anxious though
You're a total retard. I go to subway and order extra extra on everything. I smile and tell them, "Why is it a fatman always orders a sandwich like it's the last food on Earth?" I asked a hot bitch once, "Can I get a good guy discount? I never rape;." And she laughed and gave it to me for free.
You're a total retard. I go to subway and order extra extra on everything. I smile and tell them, "Why is it a fatman always orders a sandwich like it's the last food on Earth?" I asked a hot bitch once, "Can I get a good guy discount? I never rape;." And she laughed and gave it to me for free.
I don't go to fast food places child
I get that this weirdo is supposedly too "socially anxious" to go into Subway and interact with people, but how could he "not know how" to actually order the sandwich? You go up to the counter and order it, then you pay for it, and that's it. How does the anxiety prevent him from knowing that?
It even walks you though it step by step right on the glass in front of the ingredients. Starting with the bread and moving ahead to the meat, cheese, veggies etc.