I’m in Her League, Child: Patrick Simping for Cosplayer



I love the color coded bookshelf and unpainted dinosaur figurine over his left shoulder. Such a fag.


Good God...

Shared that whole exchange with Mal. I have never seen her so pissed. She was upset for Nicki after that whole exchange. And she actually said to me "If you ever sent a message like his to any woman, I would kill you."

And you know what? I don't blame her for feeling that.

Mama Ravens Baby Boy has no empathy for his very own wife pulling this shit in public, on a wide open platform that can be archived forever. There is no charm, tact, or smoothness to any of it - it all screams "please Fuck me, I deserve it!"

To all the liberals out there, Ray Wilson here with a message: This is supposedly one of your own. You've set people adrift for less than this. Do you really want to be associated with a blatantly harassing, condescending, narcissistic pervert? I wouldn't think so.

You want to make a change? Start with him. You'd have him Cancelled by the afternoon your time zone.
Exactly, Ray. Once you break a few hearts, get your own heart broken a couple of times, grow up a bit and decide to make a commitment and start a family with your love it's really quite simple. I see 20 girls and women a day who I would love to shag. I could probably even get a few of them. But you don't. You don't even try. Why? Because you made a commitment but maybe more importantly you think of your partner as a real person. You think "how would I feel if she did that to me." Fat lacks empathy, hates women and is fat is what I'm getting at.