I wanna see the debtor's movie!

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Joshua Chad Rittberg works for Miller & Miller, a law firm that specializes in bankruptcy.

Why is this important? Because in 2006, Niki used the same firm for her Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Repeat deadbeats. Repeat clients.
Hope she had a coupon for the follow-up. I heard legal bills can cost a lot of money.


Joshua Chad Rittberg works for Miller & Miller, a law firm that specializes in bankruptcy.

Why is this important? Because in 2006, Niki used the same firm for her Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Repeat deadbeats. Repeat clients.
Which means we’ll eventually be able to see the bankruptcy filing again. I can’t win to see what Patrick’s boxes of unsold books are worth. Has to be less than the pile of CDs Niki claimed.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Which means we’ll eventually be able to see the bankruptcy filing again. I can’t win to see what Patrick’s boxes of unsold books are worth. Has to be less than the pile of CDs Niki claimed.
He better get to bottling those jars of pepper sauce ASAP. At $1 a pop he needs to sell a whole lot to pay Quasi what he owes Quasi, which is over $52,000 (and counting) so far.


Joshua Chad Rittberg works for Miller & Miller, a law firm that specializes in bankruptcy.

Why is this important? Because in 2006, Niki used the same firm for her Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Repeat deadbeats. Repeat clients.
Just more proof that Niki had to be the "adult" in the room while Pat Coped and Seethed. Do you think she suggested it or did she say "Pat fuck off im going to experts this isn't your show anymore"

Pat the Simp

If I ever do any see of them...
That's wild.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
Just more proof that Niki had to be the "adult" in the room while Pat Coped and Seethed. Do you think she suggested it or did she say "Pat fuck off im going to experts this isn't your show anymore"
I get the vibe she is a typical abused woman, meek and compliant. Which is a shame because she could kick Pat’s ass even though he is five times her weight. She just needs to summon the courage to put him in his place.