I saw a possum today


Fan of the Era
wwaw with raccoons? there's a definite rise in their numbers where I'm at and you hear their late night squabbles over garbage.
I've never heard of their numbers going down without a bunch of good ol' boys purposely trying to massacre them in an area. They're like coyotes in most of California. Thrive almost anywhere.


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
I love da possums. Pick one up sometime, they're sorta like cats.
Raccoons are cunts. The nigger of the trash animals. If you see one during the day, stay away or shoot it, because it's likely rabid.
Squirrels are the best though. Gain their trust and they'll love you until they're eaten by a hawk, or creamed by a dump truck.


The Backbone of America
I love da possums. Pick one up sometime, they're sorta like cats.
Raccoons are cunts. The nigger of the trash animals. If you see one during the day, stay away or shoot it, because it's likely rabid.
Squirrels are the best though. Gain their trust and they'll love you until they're eaten by a hawk, or creamed by a dump truck.
I used to train chipmunks to take peanuts from my hand when I was a kid and they'd sort of follow me around when I was out in the yard.