I saw a possum today



Apparently they're really cool to raise and have lots of personality if you can commit to it (yet they only live to about two years):


Look at that lil’ mug!



The Backbone of America
Apparently they're really cool to raise and have lots of personality if you can commit to it (yet they only live to about two years):

My cousin had a skunk at one point and that was kind of cool. It was a lardass. I watch a YouTube channel that's just some guy running an animal sanctuary from his yard and he's always got a possum on his shoulder. He says the thing just annihilates rodents and it does seem cuddly. The guy also has some big crazy bird named Kevin that he has to literally physically fight all the time too. Every time he turns his back the thing tries to attack him so he carries a garbage can lid and uses it like a shield and bashes the bird in the head with it.