Yes and no. There are some people who have a genetic predisposition towards real depression. Sure, everyone gets blue sometimes but for an unlucky minority they get some chemical imbalance shit that hits them like a train out of nowhere once in a while. I got a friend like that. He tends to keep it to himself, just disappears during his depressive bouts. Very creative and productive guy otherwise. Ditto schizos and psychotics - in the sense that all 3 groups respond to medication and/or therapy.Mental illness is a myth, for the most part. Yeah, there are legit psychopaths and sociopaths, people with schizophrenia and usually a vagina. But the average day-to-day slob can't cope with a sliver of sadness. It becomes "anxiety" or "depression."
Then when the meds work they figure, "This is how normal people feel!" and don't realize they're been mental castrated. Maaaaaaaan.
The "personality disorders" however. Didn't they just used to be called "cunts." Anti-social PD - violent, criminal, lying cunts. NPD - self-absorbed, manipulative cunts. BPD - hysterical, manic cunts etc. Surprise, surprise - none of their "conditions" are treatable either by drugs or therapy. So they're just horrible cunts basically. Unfortunately in our "judgement-free" age we have to find a way to excuse them for their own shortcomings.