I don't know much about fashion, but is he wearing a woman's suit? He looks like a dyke.


Runner, Unlike Fatrick
That jacket is clearly too small for him; in both width and length and the sleeves of his shirt are too short for the jacket too. His pants are an absolute disgrace. Looks like he scrunched them up like a wet towel and threw them in a bag.

I’ll give him points for at least trying to modernize a bit. The material and cut are awful but I wear Tom Ford, Saint Laurent, etc. so I’m obviously unreasonably snobby and I know he can’t afford to wear that stuff. However, fun fact, Pig - Even if you buy off the rack at some discount bum store, you can still have a suit tailored. Get one that fits and try again. You could also consider having it pressed before you wear it so you don’t look like a hobo who found a suit in a dumpster.

My husband was a YSL model until he retired to marry me, and I have learned so much about men’s fashion from him. I never really cared or thought it mattered much until he explained the science and effect of tailored, high-end men’s clothing to me, and now I understand there is a lot of function to it and not just form. I’ll never wear anything off the rack again.

Pat’s pantsuit looks like he fished it out of a creek behind Goodwill.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
My husband was a YSL model until he retired to marry me, and I have learned so much about men’s fashion from him. I never really cared or thought it mattered much until he explained the science and effect of tailored, high-end men’s clothing to me, and now I understand there is a lot of function to it and not just form. I’ll never wear anything off the rack again.

Pat’s pantsuit looks like he fished it out of a creek behind Goodwill.
Absolutely. I have a Tom Ford tux that fits so well I could wear it all day if I wanted and it would never feel uncomfortable. Everyone should have their suits and shirts tailored even if they’re not paying thousands for them. Even guys like Pat can look like human beings as long as he doesn’t use the pants to wipe Susan down with before wearing them.


Absolutely. I have a Tom Ford tux that fits so well I could wear it all day if I wanted and it would never feel uncomfortable. Everyone should have their suits and shirts tailored even if they’re not paying thousands for them. Even guys like Pat can look like human beings as long as he doesn’t use the pants to wipe Susan down with before wearing them.

When I started getting my clothes tailored, it made me embarrassed I ever waited so long. It's like a given now that you should tailor right after you buy. And I say that as someone who knows dick about fashion.

Pat is delusional though, and doesn't see what everyone else sees when he looks in the mirror.
My husband was a YSL model until he retired to marry me, and I have learned so much about men’s fashion from him. I never really cared or thought it mattered much until he explained the science and effect of tailored, high-end men’s clothing to me, and now I understand there is a lot of function to it and not just form. I’ll never wear anything off the rack again.

Pat’s pantsuit looks like he fished it out of a creek behind Goodwill.
Everything pat wears is off the rack.

Because he has breasts.


Absolutely. I have a Tom Ford tux that fits so well I could wear it all day if I wanted and it would never feel uncomfortable. Everyone should have their suits and shirts tailored even if they’re not paying thousands for them. Even guys like Pat can look like human beings as long as he doesn’t use the pants to wipe Susan down with before wearing them.
100%. When I was first starting out I bought a few cheap suits from some local discount place and then took them to a chinaman downtown to have them tailored. It was only a couple hundred bucks I think. It looked 10 times better than buying something twice as expensive off the rack and just wearing it like that. Also it helped that I wasn’t a great big fat person.

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Harry Powell

You’re the girl I needed in jr. high
I have a good career which has allowed me to feel self-confident on the basis of skill and income - that has allowed me to feel okay dressing like a homeless man.

Seeing Pat’s disgusting body and feminine, infantile, bloated skull crammed in that suit has 180’d my entire philosophy. I am going to change today.