I cant even finish these wings



Dude, if you're going to eat that garbage you may as well just go to McDonald's and get a cheeseburger, fries and vanilla milkshake.

Though I know from experience, the difference between getting some nigger filth in the states slapping your shit together and some pretty Austrian girl lovingly making your burger by corporate rules is night and day so...


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Dude, if you're going to eat that garbage you may as well just go to McDonald's and get a cheeseburger, fries and vanilla milkshake.

Though I know from experience, the difference between getting some nigger filth in the states slapping your shit together and some pretty Austrian girl lovingly making your burger by corporate rules is night and day so...
Had a few road sodas (Dan Mullen: that’s an O&A reference) on Saturday and was a cunt hair away from stumbling into McDonalds before I just thought of Pig’s face.

I walked home and proceeded to have water and a few pieces of turkey lunch meat


The Backbone of America
Years ago I took my ex to some chain sports bar/restaurant and ordered spicy shrimp. Because I like shrimp and I like spicy food. This was before Hot Ones and hot sauce "challenges" and people knowing what the fuck a ghost pepper is, so I wasn't expecting it to hurt. The waitress warned me, I got it anyway. I suffered through one and then sat there actually pissed off that I wasted my money and that my mouth hurt. It didn't even taste good or really have any discernable flavor. It was just crazy hot.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman

anyone who replies to me is a fag


Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
Nig you can’t be serious. You don’t like wings once in a while?
I'll get a Colt 45 or a Schiltz Malt Liquor way before a chicken wing. Fried chicken livers occasionally.

Hard to cook these frankenbird chickens other than chicken parm style, pounded out and breaded.