Yes. And they did. They edited audio, programmed content and learned how a talk-radio show functions in real time.
Once, dude was at the big boy tables. Max bet $10,000. One seat isn't enough, so he's playing two spots. $10K + $10K. Dealer is showing a three or some shit. He's got like 10/10, Q/Q. Splits both hands. $40K now. Stays on one, splits the other ends up with 19/20. $60,000 deep. Dealer makes 21. Spit on the floor, punch Keith, and put more chips on the table.
I called it a night, ordered like $300 worth of room service to his room, guilt free.
Yeah, the Butcha' Ed Brock. I felt bad for him. Derek was getting pulled away for production and couldn't spend 4/5 hours on the on-air board. Like yeah, Op was a board op, but just the mic mix and CD audio. The air board consolidated that feed along with any additional like Derek dropping music beds. Always worth to have somebody who knows movies/pop-culture at that spot with the confidence and timing to make plays. So, for all his behinds the scenes help, he'd choke or miss obvious cues at that position which led Jimmy to repeatedly complain about Butcha being on the board, and "where's Derek." This was the void that Ben created. Steve got sucked into Ben, Derek got sucked into Steve, and there was no more Derek. Butcha felt like he was getting a raw deal and he was kinda right. Back then Steve was making those kind of staffing decisions and just kinda furthers proves Steve's inability to properly manage. Butch ended up doing stuff for one of the hard rock stations. Liquid Metal I think?