Here's your new GTA ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽


I wouldn't have a problem with a female character if they went a Bonnie and Clyde direction to the characters. But since there are women writers on this game, it'll be awful.

You know the female character is going to end up saving the males character in a few pivotal moments and it'll try to come off a natural, but will feel forced.

The male character will also have an issue fixing something mechanical while the female will come by and fix it for him, you know, like Fonzi on Happy Days.

Mark my words, these things will happen in the game.

If I were Rockstar I'd cancel the series and focus solely on the online aspect. Take the rage, but charge though the shit. It's better than releasing a game that'll be woke. There's a reason why all the original rockstar crew bailed as of the last few years. They don't want their name tied to the newest iteration of the series because it'll be so far removed from their original vision of making a controversial video game.

PS I totally don't work for Rockstar games and I CERTAINLY didn't voice an NPC in GTA 4.


Dirty Bastard
You can find all the footage on burner YT accounts.

People are calling this a beta when it's clearly an alpha test.

I've been a GTA fanboy since GTA 1 came out and I'm glad to say that this game will not be good. Nobody from the original team is there anymore and we are currently in a woke culture that'll never end.

There used to be rage and anger that the game was violent, that rage about the violence changed to rage about not having a female lead. They've added that and it just won't work.

The game will be a failure, and reviews from the mainstream reviewers will not be truthful about it.

What WILL succeed is the online element of the game, just like with 5. That's all I'm buying it for. I don't need to play a mission in story mode that will involve me having to probably investigate the Jan. 6 riots because the game is woke.
It’ll be last of us two again where we’re all “Russian bots” and they’ll never announce that the games sold only four million copies



Rumor is a Trumpian like group is the main antagonists to this because of course. Alienate the biggest market to your globohomo game. It'll make it's money but I can't see it doing what GTAV did and that game was ass.

Lots of white ‘women’. Where the negresses at?


I have a face like a shovel
Hell yeah, back to vice city
God bless're at least have something positive to contribute

yes- we should bitch and complain about how un-warranted Wokeness enters all the things we like (actually, you shouldn't because at this point it's kinda boring). ........however, it's okay to still like things

"House of the Dragon" is a good show (and, no- I never read any of the books so my opinion can be considered a "Normie" take)
The last of Us 2 is a good's okay to enjoy it

it's okay to still like things


God bless're at least have something positive to contribute

yes- we should bitch and complain about how un-warranted Wokeness enters all the things we like (actually, you shouldn't because at this point it's kinda boring). ........however, it's okay to still like things

"House of the Dragon" is a good show (and, no- I never read any of the books so my opinion can be considered a "Normie" take)
The last of Us 2 is a good's okay to enjoy it

it's okay to still like things

Ugh, you still like things? Faaaag!


They could resurrect Manhunt as Womanhunt. I'm all in for another serial killer stealth game, and you could get away with it by using a bitch protagonist.
She has to be a woman of color.

So funny how nobody cares about white women anymore. They had a moment during metoo in 2017 and now everyone looks back on that and laughs. Any angry white woman is a "karen".

This new gta v stars a white male and a latino woman.

White Men cutting their cocks off have replaced white woman in terms of opression.


I have a face like a shovel
So funny how nobody cares about white women anymore
there is one HUGE exception to this

if you're hot white woman you have the world by the balls

this isn't me simping- I'm just telling the truth

shit- I'm willing to bet that Shannon Breen (sp) goes to the market, and general managers just give her shit for free

EDIT: TL/DR- If youre a hot white woman, wokeness doesn't apply to still get your ass kissed like you did since the dawn of time