Has anyone you went to high school with died since then?



A kid in my biology class went to prison for having sex with a 14 year old girl (he was 19 or 20) and was killed in prison. Also know 2 people in the grade below me who OD'd on heroin. Went to a private school that had like 70 people total in the high school so pretty shocking


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
At least a few, as far as I know. One guy apparently hung himself. The first girl who ever sucked my dick apparently became anorexic and died (when she she approached me at a party a couple of years later, I regret mentioning her weight gain to say the least.) Another girl had an aneurysm and dropped dead out of nowhere while working in a bar. I heard another guy got stabbed to death but I could never find any confirmation of it.


At least a few, as far as I know. One guy apparently hung himself. The first girl who ever sucked my dick apparently became anorexic and died (when she she approached me at a party a couple of years later, I regret mentioning her weight gain to say the least.) Another girl had an aneurysm and dropped dead out of nowhere while working in a bar. I heard another guy got stabbed to death but I could never find any confirmation of it.
I guess we know what she did with the food. Nothin'!


So he was raping her? Such a sick sad world. Not to sound like dan mullen but I need to treat women better. They go through a lot of rapey shit.
Not enough, they've been pretty uppity lately. I kid though. To answer the OP there was a guy from my high school I met a few years later then he killed himself. Shot himself in the chest with birdshot but missed his heart so his dad just found him choking on his blood. Nice leaving a pretty corpse, stupid. For everyone out there: it's inside the mouth at a 45 degree angle. If you are going to try to kill yourself with a gun, do it right or not at all.
In my early 40s, graduating class if 250 and we are up to 9.
2 cancer deaths
3 suicides
1 coke overdose
1 nitrous overdose
1 death apparently in sleep, natural causes I guess
1 hit by car


In my early 40s, graduating class if 250 and we are up to 9.
2 cancer deaths
3 suicides
1 coke overdose
1 nitrous overdose
1 death apparently in sleep, natural causes I guess
1 hit by car
Wait you can overdose on coke? I've been snorting that shit like it's water. Good thing I'm clean now. 4 days sober.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Last month was my 20 year anny. if you take my class, '02, and the classes of '01 and '03, there have been a shit ton.

I knew a few who passed from cancer, and a lot that passed away from doing drugs. I grew up around the Flint Mi area, so what do you expect?

two made national news: one (not sure if he was driving or siting shotgun) hit a tree going what they think was over a 100 MPH in Flint. Who ever was driving passed out from drinking. HE was a big deal thou because was setting a ton of records in college wrestling (from what I remember).

the 2nd, this chic was shot and killed by a BLACK 8 year old. the news tried making sound like she was just hanging out, minding her own business, she was a straight A student in High school and was getting a high GPA in college. Truth is though, she got into striping for gangsters in Detroit, and while having a "private" encounter with a John in a parked car, a 8 year old tried robbing them, she said no (he was 8) and he shot her dead.
Why can't they just behave

The Arm

Fire stalk with me.
I went to school with a girl who was later murdered, a girl who would later become a murderess, and a guy who became a murderer. Another guy I knew but didn't go to school with was murdered. All but the first case were drug related.