Fat out of shape drunkard criticizes someone crushing way more weight than he can ever lift.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Pat you couldnt even squat that weight




You can't really tell b/c his thighs are being covered and his calves do suck but that's genetics. You really can't do much about calves. I'd like a skinny crackhead looking mfer who's quite seasoned in Muay Thai to crack his chicken legs in half as he's confidently walking up to them at a shitCON. He'd be on the ground reaching for his cell phone to document it all while doing that girly scream he did when he was swatted (THAT THIS KEEPS HAPPENINGGG!!!). "SOMEONE HELP THESE ARE MY CYBERSTALKERS!! SEND THEM TO PRISON NOW!!! SOMEBODY CALL 911 MY CYBERSTALKERS ARE TERRORIZING MEEEE".

Edit: Is there a way for the AI to do this voice while screaming?? I don't know how to do any of that being 16, new to the Internet, jack shit etc.

Troy Maclure

So easily forgotten…
This is a sign that he knows he’s full of shit. It’s like a defense mechanism - whenever these little men are faced with someone clearly their superior they need to look for any little thing they can tear down or criticize.

Look in the comments of any female MMA fighter or weight lifter and there’s gonna be hundreds of guys who look just like Pat saying “yeah but your form was off”

Definition of the peanut gallery
This is a sign that he knows he’s full of shit. It’s like a defense mechanism - whenever these little men are faced with someone clearly their superior they need to look for any little thing they can tear down or criticize.

Look in the comments of any female MMA fighter or weight lifter and there’s gonna be hundreds of guys who look just like Pat saying “yeah but your form was off”

Definition of the peanut gallery
There was a video of him at one of those stupid cons where he was looking at another author’s hardcover edition, and the jealousy was dripping off Pat like grease off of a slab of bacon.