Fag country


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
So half a dozen cops arresting a teenage girl ( who is apparently autistic but who knows what degree of it)for mouthing off calling someone a lesbian is now woke? I can't keep up.

That's pretty far from woke isn't it?
Stop being dense. You know she made a mean internet post and was promptly arrested as is the law within your fag land.


I Am Racist Man Leader of the Digital Ku Klux Klan
Or ran off home so the police got mob handed and taught the little un a lesson in respect I don't assume anything from a twitter post unlike the people who get high off outrage
I hate this NPC response to things like this. "Bleep Bloop Fake Outrage" like you shouldn't be annoyed that they arrested an autistic teen for something as stupid as this. Same with the people saying that about the Bud Light boycott. Why is it ridiculous that people pushed back after years of having this tranny shit pushed on us?