Elisa Jordana gets fucked up


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
You should focus on getting clean tbh...not going back n forth between ribbing and then hyuck-hyuck j'accuse!-ing me of pedophilia. Almost like you want to normalize the accusation (its not normal to be a pedo), to hide some of dat dere "skeletons" in your closet.

Why did you turn to drugs?
I suspect that you approve of marrying little preteen girls. I also get a kick out of some of the insane (and not so insane) shit you post. Those things aren’t mutually exclusive. I can hate your pedophlic tendancies but still be occasionally entertained by you. Its really not that deep. Just because i rib your posts here and there doesnt mean i approve of you lusting after kids like you did in that one post you made about child brides. Youre really grasping for straws here, kiddy diddlerster. I did drugs for fun. Thats pretty much it. Why did you post dick pics and ask mens body building forums if theyd suck it? Id assume, because you thought it was fun. I enjoyed drugs, you enjoyed kids and gay body builders that suck dick. Does your desert monkey brain understand?
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I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
The Jim Ward Nichols stuff (actual pedophile who turned himself in) cemented their ever-lurking presence.
Anyone who missed this ^ should check it out. That was fucked. From what I remember dude was verrry close to Elisa and admitted to several rapes and thousands of KP videos and called the cops on himself and confessed and turned himself in at a walmart and its all on video. Child bridester made a thread about it when it happened I believe.
^^ So fucking sassy...why type "Ok" when you could have written "k" for maximum sass-effect?

I see a Fork in your road...Im addressing you and not the "farmer brown guy" because you wished me eid mubarak




ball is in your court.
How about this? I don't do this very well and my post did not come out as I intended. The "ok" was supposed to be "ok, my bad" Then the rest of the post is fucked up too (see how it repeats itself kind of). I didn't know I fucked it up until now.
Holy fuck.

I was scrolling the Youtube comment section on the Patrice documentary just now deciding whether or not it was worth watching versus deep diving into this Jordana lore.

"yea seen that countless times ...good looking moms conceiving rough looking daughters, or vice versa."

Any guesses as to the poster?

Boq. Fucking. Precision.

What is God telling me? Probably touch grass but I don't want to.

Sue Lightning

All her nudes got posted prior to my awareness of her...No nudes post 2020

I did troll some IP2 nut (Brandon que) who I was social engineering and fucking with for a bit, and told him this was a still of an Elisa-Benjy sex tape I had (its not, these two just look awfully like Elisa and Benjy, lmao...its a scene from some dumb french movie)

View attachment 192564

Im still hilarious
That is such a fucking depressing image I want to car crash you. It’s not even disgusting just really sad.