Dying/dead dreams thread


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I started reading Meditations and need to go back to it. I'm not all in with the Seneca tobehonestwitcha , so maybe I should seek him out too.

The hardest part I've had with expressions like, "You're attitude determines everything in life," is that when you're in shit situations, it's very easy to think that phrases like that are just platitudes for normies who don't have it as rough. Try living my life for a year (especially when I was a kid) and tell me that the problem is my attitude. It sounds insulting in a way.

But it's totally true.
The beatiful thing about stoicism for me is it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, a beggar or a king, the basic principles speak to all of us, as they spoke to people thousands years in the past and as they will speak to people thousands years in the future, human nature doesn't change.

The hard thing for me is to accept that you cannot always control how people treat and perceive you, you can only control how you react to them.

I'm still in the process of studying all this, but i find it really fascinating, even when i find it difficult to change my own way of thinking sometimes, because the way i think is so bred into me at this point.


You read any stoic philosophy?

When i feel down about myself i often read some Seneca or Marcus Aurelius, it really helps me to realize the things i have control over in life and the things i have not.
Marcus had the most pressure and work to do out of everyone in the world at the time. It makes me feel like a bitch when I feel overwhelmed eith work, or cant find the time for things.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Marcus had the most pressure and work to do out of everyone in the world at the time. It makes me feel like a bitch when I feel overwhelmed eith work, or cant find the time for things.
Exactly, someone with his stressful life and responsibilities could find the time and effort to try to live a virtuous life, what is our excuse?