Dying/dead dreams thread



Thatd disturb me if someone paid for my food and I didnt know who. Itd feel like a threat or that I had a atalker.

You are mentally ill, atalker.

You have been instructed to cease contacting this thread. Continuing to do so constitutes felony message board harassment. Do not contact this thread again.
I'm a stranger on the internet and I'm telling you that you're (subconsciously) letting that one rejection bother you

It's good that you still write for fun and theraputic reasons, but please get over that one particular rejection

You'll come back with, "No- it doesn't bother me at all"......it does a little bit

BTW- did I use "comma's" and the Parenthesis correctly in my above reply?
You could've left the parenthesis off of the word subconsciously but it works either way; commas are correct.

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
Damn Volkov really grew on me. Killing it in this thread.

Absolute agreeance about the stoic philosophy. You must do things that earn the respect of yourself to attain fulfillment, and that means living a virtuous life. And no matter how much this place makes me laugh, it isn’t a “good” place, we all pay a little price to laugh at Pat

To the OP, your life is lacking purpose and thus by extension spirituality. That sounds like super faggot shit but it’s true.

There is no truth to find, but to break out of your malaise you must pick a direction and work towards it. What it is doesn’t really matter. It’s the process.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
Life has been treating me like a peach for about 3 years straight and all of my dreams are in the process of becoming a reality. Not recommending it to anybody, however I noticed a stark change when I started to get closer to God.

In any event, sorry you're so bad at this, child. I can't help you.


Life has been treating me like a peach for about 3 years straight and all of my dreams are in the process of becoming a reality. Not recommending it to anybody, however I noticed a stark change when I started to get closer to God.

In any event, sorry you're so bad at this, child. I can't help you.

God as in Christian God, or agnostic spiritual faggot God?


Five Sink Gangster Cribs
I don't know about you guys, but I'm living far better than I think my parents ever imagined I would, even if it wasn't exactly what my dream was.

When you're a young dumb cunt, and you dream of rock stardom, you dream of the highest mountain. I've been to the top of that mountain, and never want to make another trip back. Totally serious.

A dream is a stepping stone, an idealized goal to attain, but in a lot of ways I think a dream is really just a path towards realizing what is your real happiness. Would I love to play my music all over the world? Certainly. But if it's at the expense of writing new songs and albums at my leisure, touring as I please, and having a more personal rapport with my fans, then I don't fucking want it.

If Calling All Stations did work out, and we did the planned follow-up album, I'm not sure I'd be happy as just a hired hand for someone else's band in the long term. The freedom I have to do things my way is worth more than being beholden to someone else.
It is not my place to produce @ChicopeeChip's podcast, but i would love to hear some of your show business stories. Maybe not a good idea in the eyes of management, but remember that they follow a different (ethno-)religion than us and ultimately work towards holding us all down and promoting their own kin.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
It is not my place to produce @ChicopeeChip's podcast, but i would love to hear some of your show business stories. Maybe not a good idea in the eyes of management, but remember that they follow a different (ethno-)religion than us and ultimately work towards holding us all down and promoting their own kin.

I've shared plenty here before, and still do when the moments arise, though I fear being a broken record in some ways.

But the podcast? I can't, unfortunately. I have to keep that air of doubt and doing that will lift all of it. It's a tenuous thing.

And having that doubt allows me, for the lack of a better word, "anonymity" to share a few of the more interesting road stories/experiences, and go into a little more detail without seeming, well, bitter, like I probably would sound in an interview.

By the way, I haven't been here much the last few days, what is going on with the @RobertMewler attacks? She's always been a rather lovely soul in my view, I don't quite get where some of this hate is coming from.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Re @Volkov : I come here specifically to train me to be stoic. There's some really mean shit that people say to each other here, and if you can not let that bother you, you're stronger.

I used to have a temper. Quick to anger. Not so any more. But the only way to get that is to be in situations where you get angry fast and then learn to not.

I was on the NPS when Stu doxxed himself. It saddens me that he doesn't come around these parts anymore. According to him he was down 60 lbs. He probably got his feelings hurt and is up 20 lbs now.

Mental toughness is important and hard to develop.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
By the way, I haven't been here much the last few days, what is going on with the @RobertMewler attacks? She's always been a rather lovely soul in my view, I don't quite get where some of this hate is coming from.
On the podcast she stated she it was too bad when a certain famous funny jew died. She was called out on being hypocritical and arguably Dan made things worse and said that us rascals shouldn't make fun of women.

I am just the messenger and take no sides in this and just want everyone to get along but I also find this place unpredictable and hysterical so what do I know.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Re @Volkov : I come here specifically to train me to be stoic. There's some really mean shit that people say to each other here, and if you can not let that bother you, you're stronger.

I used to have a temper. Quick to anger. Not so any more. But the only way to get that is to be in situations where you get angry fast and then learn to not.

I was on the NPS when Stu doxxed himself. It saddens me that he doesn't come around these parts anymore. According to him he was down 60 lbs. He probably got his feelings hurt and is up 20 lbs now.

Mental toughness is important and hard to develop.
You read any stoic philosophy?

When i feel down about myself i often read some Seneca or Marcus Aurelius, it really helps me to realize the things i have control over in life and the things i have not.


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
You read any stoic philosophy?

When i feel down about myself i often read some Seneca or Marcus Aurelius, it really helps me to realize the things i have control over in life and the things i have not.
I started reading Meditations and need to go back to it. I'm not all in with the Seneca tobehonestwitcha , so maybe I should seek him out too.

The hardest part I've had with expressions like, "You're attitude determines everything in life," is that when you're in shit situations, it's very easy to think that phrases like that are just platitudes for normies who don't have it as rough. Try living my life for a year (especially when I was a kid) and tell me that the problem is my attitude. It sounds insulting in a way.

But it's totally true.