Dying/dead dreams thread


Knee Deep in the Hoopla
I just want to get into a fire department


You are a weak maggot if you enter the military. You can't think for yourself. You need to be told what to do, you're an idiot if you are prepared to risk your life for some politicians whim. I want nothing to do with a man who is prepared to be shouted at by another man. The military is a cop out, it screams of I give up trying to do life on my own its too hard and scary so I want other people to run my life for me.

Thanks for your service, I'll clap you at the airport.
Do you think you run your own life outside of the military, you dense faggot?


Sorry you feel like that. Get a better job, or quit your job and travel, talk to people if you do go on travel, everybody has a story and everybody has gone through some shit.

Find something that makes you happy, for me that’s fishing and baseball and trying to get tranthony banned from Twitter permanently.

You’ll be fine, everyone goes through some melancholy.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I don't know about you guys, but I'm living far better than I think my parents ever imagined I would, even if it wasn't exactly what my dream was.

When you're a young dumb cunt, and you dream of rock stardom, you dream of the highest mountain. I've been to the top of that mountain, and never want to make another trip back. Totally serious.

A dream is a stepping stone, an idealized goal to attain, but in a lot of ways I think a dream is really just a path towards realizing what is your real happiness. Would I love to play my music all over the world? Certainly. But if it's at the expense of writing new songs and albums at my leisure, touring as I please, and having a more personal rapport with my fans, then I don't fucking want it.

If Calling All Stations did work out, and we did the planned follow-up album, I'm not sure I'd be happy as just a hired hand for someone else's band in the long term. The freedom I have to do things my way is worth more than being beholden to someone else.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm living far better than I think my parents ever imagined I would, even if it wasn't exactly what my dream was.

When you're a young dumb cunt, and you dream of rock stardom, you dream of the highest mountain. I've been to the top of that mountain, and never want to make another trip back. Totally serious.

A dream is a stepping stone, an idealized goal to attain, but in a lot of ways I think a dream is really just a path towards realizing what is your real happiness. Would I love to play my music all over the world? Certainly. But if it's at the expense of writing new songs and albums at my leisure, touring as I please, and having a more personal rapport with my fans, then I don't fucking want it.

If Calling All Stations did work out, and we did the planned follow-up album, I'm not sure I'd be happy as just a hired hand for someone else's band in the long term. The freedom I have to do things my way is worth more than being beholden to someone else.
I think you said it best in this song, Ray, when you said, "Real life isn't always what you want, Isn't always what you need".
I'd like to have my own animated comedy show. I've written some scripts and pitched it to Comedy Central a few years ago but they rejected it lol, haven't written much since. I like writing as it's very theraputic taking things outta my head and putting them on paper. Sometimes I think it's a dumb pipe dream that'll never happen and other times I think I should go all in wit the writing because I can't be any worse than the garbage that gets made today. No matter what shit job I'm working, that's what I always go back to dreaming of doing.


I have a face like a shovel
I'd like to have my own animated comedy show. I've written some scripts and pitched it to Comedy Central a few years ago but they rejected it lol, haven't written much since.
I'm a stranger on the internet and I'm telling you that you're (subconsciously) letting that one rejection bother you

It's good that you still write for fun and theraputic reasons, but please get over that one particular rejection

You'll come back with, "No- it doesn't bother me at all"......it does a little bit

BTW- did I use "comma's" and the Parenthesis correctly in my above reply?


Go to a restaurant and find the poorest family and tell the waiter secretly you'll pay for their tab. Dont tell the loser family. You'll feel good.

If you can't afford this, I suggest buying ice cream and watching a movie.
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Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
Im not a homophobe but something deep inside me stirs when I see this, something violent and dangerous whispering "this is bad for society, end this or society will go extinct, its not natural, end it". My heart beats so fast when I see this, what does that mean?
It means you want to fuck a tranny

I thought this thread would be about dreams where you get shot and die, those are fucking awesome

Racist Google Intern

Please watch the Itchy and Scratchy Friends Hour!
I'm a simple man, I just run through this prank call archive of a man harassing asian and black women whenever I feel like shit.

miss this guy hope he springs up again.


Go to a restaurant and find the poorest family and tell the waiter secretly you'll pay for their tab. Dont tell the loser family. You'll feel good.

If you can't afford this, I suggest buying ice cream and watching a movie.

Thatd disturb me if someone paid for my food and I didnt know who. Itd feel like a threat or that I had a stlaker.


My reoccurring dreams are, I have a class that I never went to but I have to pass to graduate, and I am on a plane but we only fly like 1000 feet off the ground. Hate flying so much so I hate that one.