Dying/dead dreams thread


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
Anyone here have dreams of something better (often unrealistic) when they were younger and now that life has worn you down it’s becoming harder and harder to find enjoyment in things?

not even necessarily career aspirations but life just being kind of shitty in general. I get it you can improve your life in various way. Education can get you a better job or career. Fitness can get you better pussy. No one is stuck in their social station.

Still life seems kind of empty no matter what (to me) what the fuck brings you guys happiness? I know that happiness is not a sustainable linear state. But Jesus Christ man nothing seems to make me feel joy even for a few minutes.


This forum saved my life!
You can start by deleting your account here, it's a completely negative place set up to cause people hurt, it's inevitable that some of that hurt is going to bounce back onto ourselves. I believe in the teachings of the stoics who said you can't truly be happy by living an unvirtuous life, with their ideas of virtue being wisdom, courage, temperance and justice. This place is the opposite of virtue.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Hapinnes cannot begin with outside forces, you must first begin to try to come to terms and accept the situation you are in right now.

Because if you are not at peace on the inside first, outside forces will not give it either, you will still feel that emptiness and unhappines, it must first come from within, before outside forces can give you that happiness.
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Get up here and shut up!
My kids turned my life upside down and I basically had to drop any hobbies I had as all of my time was being spent taking care of the kids and doing housework since the wife and I work opposite schedules. By the time I had any time to myself I'd just wind up going to bed so I could get up early and do everything over again. It's God damn depressing and I had to keep reminding myself that things weren't always going to be like that. Same thing happened when I was living by myself and had all the free time in the world. Overall I was depressed from how lonely I felt and again had to remind myself it wasn't a permanent situation.

My son is old enough now that he's showing a genuine interest in all types of music, wants to help me prepare dinner, watch and help me turn wrenches in the garage, and even seemed to be having fun helping me clean up the yard this past weekend. I feel like my patience and extreme frustrations the past few years are starting to pay off somehow.

It's gay, but you're gonna drive yourself to suicide thinking about the shit from the past you should've done differently. Nothing's permanent and a lot of times it takes a while to appreciate who you are and what you're doing. I'm still garbage at heart but I know I'm at least not as bad as I used to be.
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I have a face like a shovel
my grandfather had a saying "only mongoloids smile all the time".......

nobody is always happy....you have to find nuggets of this thing called happiness (or, content) here and there

Also (and I think i might have stolen this from rogan or some other intellectual dark web person) human beings are only really supposed to live to like 33 (in the natural order of things).....So your Lizard brain isn't really programmed to understand this longer life we've grown accustomed too

ps- poop shit fuck poopy cacca fart joke, stupid


Pay attention to how nervous I am


Full Moon Squealer
You can start by deleting your account here, it's a completely negative place set up to cause people hurt, it's inevitable that some of that hurt is going to bounce back onto ourselves. I believe in the teachings of the stoics who said you can't truly be happy by living an unvirtuous life, with their ideas of virtue being wisdom, courage, temperance and justice. This place is the opposite of virtue.
Speak for yourself ragecel


This forum saved my life!
I feel bad with people that dont have a core group of genuine friends and family. Im gettin a lil fawkin taste of it in the military and its no wonder people kill themselves
You are a weak maggot if you enter the military. You can't think for yourself. You need to be told what to do, you're an idiot if you are prepared to risk your life for some politicians whim. I want nothing to do with a man who is prepared to be shouted at by another man. The military is a cop out, it screams of I give up trying to do life on my own its too hard and scary so I want other people to run my life for me.

Thanks for your service, I'll clap you at the airport.


Dan doesn’t have a penis. I. Do.
You are a weak maggot if you enter the military. You can't think for yourself. You need to be told what to do, you're an idiot if you are prepared to risk your life for some politicians whim. I want nothing to do with a man who is prepared to be shouted at by another man. The military is a cop out, it screams of I give up trying to do life on my own its too hard and scary so I want other people to run my life for me.

Thanks for your service, I'll clap you at the airport.
Shut your mouth.


Shock Jock
You are a weak maggot if you enter the military. You can't think for yourself. You need to be told what to do, you're an idiot if you are prepared to risk your life for some politicians whim. I want nothing to do with a man who is prepared to be shouted at by another man. The military is a cop out, it screams of I give up trying to do life on my own its too hard and scary so I want other people to run my life for me.

Thanks for your service, I'll clap you at the airport.
I just want to get into a fire department