Dipshit Feeling Important


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
This feels like he's discovering everything within a 10 minute walk of his house for the first time and is blown away that there are blocks of stores and restaurants in urban areas. No shit, retard. The reason someone wouldn't like it is probably because they enjoy looking outside their front door and not just seeing an asphalt hellscape full of niggers and faggots like you. Not to mention people with families who want their small children to have places other than an alley or a busy street to play in.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Doesn't he know that is what any suburban strip mall looks like?
But he can walk to it from his Historic Duplex and Top Rated AirBnB.
Plot twist: all that shit is in downtown MILWAUKEE
Keyword is "downtown". The rest of his shithole city doesnt even have the amenities of a small town and they only have that because they're a Chicago runoff city that never fell as hard as somewhere like Detroit just because of geography, and because they're a "never was" city.


With gusto and style, micropenis.
Their "trash talk game" is probably hilariously shitty, btw. A 12 year old Canadian hockey player could probably make them both attempt suicide with one sentence and their parents would reward them for it.


Hey, tubby - turn around so I can read the name on your jersey, bud. I have no idea who you are. Why's it taking you so long to turn around, bud? You rorate like a planet, buddy. Should I come back in 24 hours?


Fat bitch with faggot tits
He could do this pretty much anywhere the developed world. I don't understand what point he's making. Nobody is trying to argue against convenient highstreets. Having a few shops within walking distance of your house is a fucking bizarre thing to try and brag about. Does he think people who live further away turned down a nearby florist?

Harry's Manly Calvester

Wetting Zoomers since 2023
I'm shocked he didn't go to that Mexican place for corn and Niki's daily liter of vodka.

Jesus look at her gigantic frozen Marg


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Their "trash talk game" is probably hilariously shitty, btw. A 12 year old Canadian hockey player could probably make them both attempt suicide with one sentence and their parents would reward them for it.
I'd love to see how Pat would get on playing something like COD online with all the 11 year olds calling him a faggot and a nigger while they completely own him.