Did she?

He's a man in his 40s doing dumb Buzzfeed "Which Star Wars characters are low key your parents" crap and all the while claiming that he has 'surpassed' his father in achievements.

Tommy Tomlintard may have been a drunk, draft-dodging wife beater but I'm sure he would have a repectable level of embarrassement to hear his son was doing this.

Lamont & Tonelli

Brevity is... wit.
A "mash pit" is a Wisconsin thing where an above-ground pool is set up inside a concert venue and filled with mashed potatoes. It's a mixture of traditional pit, mud wrestling, competitive eating and orgy. Judy Raven was ejected for eating way more than her fair share of mash and excessive cockblocking.

medium wyzzz


Actually, that's how pat was born; his mother was raped in a smash pit

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Slipknot pits are some of the weakest out there, which matches their music. I have been in them and they’re nothing. I have been in Slayer pits where people were getting slashed by nazi skinheads with boxcutters prior to security screenings being common. Happened at two different shows. I have been in hardcore pits that were just all out brawls; Rick and Mama Raven would have been stomped at any of these shows. What I’m saying is Patrick is a fat faggot and it runs in the family.

Clint Ruin

I'm sorry, who are you?
This is always one of the strangest Tomlinson tall tales. Why the fuck would you make something like this up.

Slipknot pits are also not even close to some of the ones I've seen.
He really just thought of the only mainstream metal band that popped into his head. Little fucking pussy with his Foo Fighter crush, guarantee he's never been in the same venue as a pit.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
He really just thought of the only mainstream metal band that popped into his head. Little fucking pussy with his Foo Fighter crush, guarantee he's never been in the same venue as a pit.
Do Foo Fighters shows even have pits? They're shows were so expensive and sold out quickly that I can't imagine many people being on the floor other than rich boomers

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Do Foo Fighters shows even have pits? They're shows were so expensive and sold out quickly that I can't imagine many people being on the floor other than rich boomers

They actually do. Retards will mosh to anything these days and do. It’s all weak pits with people pogo-ing like fags. It usually happens at club shows or outdoor venues from what I have seen.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
They actually do. Retards will mosh to anything these days and do. It’s all weak pits with people pogo-ing like fags. It usually happens at club shows or outdoor venues from what I have seen.
Yeah I go to a lot of shows and it's true that in clubs and on the floor people will mosh. Granted I mostly go to rock and metal shows so it's expected

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Yeah I go to a lot of shows and it's true that in clubs and on the floor people will mosh. Granted I mostly go to rock and metal shows so it's expected

Rap, pop and even country shows have “moshing” now. It’s all corny. I remember hearing that people would mosh at Britney Spears shows in 2000, so fags have been doing it for decades. Foo Fighters have always been middle aged dad rock.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Rap, pop and even country shows have “moshing” now. It’s all corny. I remember hearing that people would mosh at Britney Spears shows in 2000, so fags have been doing it for decades. Foo Fighters have always been middle aged dad rock.
I've seen people mosh to rap, but Jesus fucking christ a country pit sounds like the gayest shit ever. Moshing should honestly stay exclusive to punk and metal shows. Anything else just doesn't warrant the energy to get a good pit going

Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
I've seen people mosh to rap, but Jesus fucking christ a country pit sounds like the gayest shit ever. Moshing should honestly stay exclusive to punk and metal shows. Anything else just doesn't warrant the energy to get a good pit going

I agree. It started in around 1979 in the SoCal hardcore scene. Crossover thrash in 84-86 brought it to metal and it should have stayed in only hardcore and metal. Hell, I tried starting pits at Morbid Angel and other death & black metal shows and they never went anywhere. It depends on the metal genre if pits will happen or not, which I always found stupid as aggressive metal should bring them out regardless of metal genre.


I knew a kid growing up who was raised in foster homes, he always had stories about his parents that fit the topic of our conversation. His dad was a minor league baseball player/ cop / black belt / etc, his mom was a model / actor / gymnast. It was nuts thinking back on it but in elementary school we believed his stories, by middle school we doubted them but didn't want to fight him. By high school we made a joke of it and he stopped adding to the story but swore to all the previous stories he told us.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
I agree. It started in around 1979 in the SoCal hardcore scene. Crossover thrash in 84-86 brought it to metal and it should have stayed in only hardcore and metal. Hell, I tried starting pits at Morbid Angel and other death & black metal shows and they never went anywhere. It depends on the metal genre if pits will happen or not, which I always found stupid as aggressive metal should bring them out regardless of metal genre.
Yeah I've never been to a metal show without them, although sometimes they don't get going during opening acts when you'd think they would. When I saw Code Orange open for Slipknot I was shocked nobody was moshing.

I was at an indie rock show once at a small club and some drunk faggot who was yelling the whole show was trying to start a pit and nobody was having it