Did she?


Stand Alone Fruit
what a lying piece of shit.. what adult makes up stories like that about his parents. he is honestly fucked in the head.
He’s so embarrassed by his hick family and home town he has to come up with all kinds of ridiculous shit to sound cool to…Internet strangers. He didn’t have friends growing up and at 42 he’s a lonely fat man starving for attention.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
Tubby had another where he compared his parents to Star Wars characters that can't locate he might have deleted it
It's even more embarrassing than I remembered.




Stand Alone Fruit
My god that’s awful. Plus he completely missed the point of this social media game, you’re supposed to cast people WHO AT LEAST LOOK like your parents or an actor / actress who could play them based on their work. Piggy fucks it all up and picks a fictional character to play both. He tries so hard to jump in with whatever the hip trend is only to fuck it up.