Did politics ruin family and friends for you?


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
Some guy probably has a bunch of wipers in his back yard and is wondering where the fuck they came from. Crows definitely have a language and have different calls depending on the threat level of anyone and anything in the area. If they're swooping down at you, then you must have done something to one of them at one point, even it was years ago they don't forget it, they even supposedly pass on info to offspring about particular threats including just an individual person. They tested it with some rubber masks years ago.

I never knew it was called binkies when rabbits do that. It's such interesting behavior because you can tell they're doing it out of enjoyment and it's not some random movements.

Animals are awesome. Horses are another trip. Don't get me started on those beasts!
They didn't take the wipers they left them after pulling them off guess they just wanted to be destructive, when they get pulled off like that they ruin the clips so you can't put them back on, the office guy that would run out to chase them away was a drunk and always nursing a hangover and surly so he was in no mood to chase them which made it more funny, my cousin also had a crow he found that fell out of nest when it was baby kept in cage in his house for some years named him benny, he would bite you if stuck fingers in cage, benny would make this sound at my cousin it was friendly type, one day he let benny go, then few months later during hunting season cousin seen bunch crows in trees and started saying benny,benny and it made the sound back to him, my back yard is state games lands so i get a lot of animal interactions would rather have that people, i've seen the wild rabbits even do binkies , every year i get twin fawns when they are still young they do binkies, never been around horses much, one that is cute and very tame but destructive is flying squirrels had like ten of them in the attic and are a bitch to get rid of


I'm more than ok. I'm confident enough to make friends with birds and not feel like a weirdo. I've been fascinated with them my whole life. It's even gotten me laid before which is kinda cool.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
one that is cute and very tame but destructive is flying squirrels had like ten of them in the attic and are a bitch to get rid of
We thought we had one in our attic in Richmond, VA. Were told it was illegal to kill them and had to call in an exterminator who told us that whatever we thought was up there wasn't a flying squirrel, nor had been there in a few years..


They didn't take the wipers they left them after pulling them off guess they just wanted to be destructive, when they get pulled off like that they ruin the clips so you can't put them back on, the office guy that would run out to chase them away was a drunk and always nursing a hangover and surly so he was in no mood to chase them which made it more funny, my cousin also had a crow he found that fell out of nest when it was baby kept in cage in his house for some years named him benny, he would bite you if stuck fingers in cage, benny would make this sound at my cousin it was friendly type, one day he let benny go, then few months later during hunting season cousin seen bunch crows in trees and started saying benny,benny and it made the sound back to him, my back yard is state games lands so i get a lot of animal interactions would rather have that people, i've seen the wild rabbits even do binkies , every year i get twin fawns when they are still young they do binkies, never been around horses much, one that is cute and very tame but destructive is flying squirrels had like ten of them in the attic and are a bitch to get rid of
Horse's sometimes act like a dog. They'll run around and jump when excited. The first time I seen on rolling around on the grass fucking blew me away. Just seeing them laying down and getting up looks bizarre because of how big they are. I remember getting bit by one right on my arm. I was a kid a remember freaking out and was told he was only playing with me. The guy had a point in saying if the horse really wanted to bite me in aggression, I would have known the difference because it would have bitten a chunk out of my arm instead of just closing it's mouth on it.

This video always makes me chuckle


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
We thought we had one in our attic in Richmond, VA. Were told it was illegal to kill them and had to call in an exterminator who told us that whatever we thought was up there wasn't a flying squirrel, nor had been there in a few years..
They have three types of the flying squirrels one is illegal to kill but looks just like one you are allowed to kill so exterminators won't take the chance, when you get them its always more than one and the chew everything, i was trapping them in a havaheart traps, gave them to my cousin that had the crow he put them in big parrot cage for his grand kids to watch, told him do not let them loose within 15+ miles because i will get them back, he let them loose in back of his house two miles from mine and i got them back, caught them all over again and let them loose far away


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
Horse's sometimes act like a dog. They'll run around and jump when excited. The first time I seen on rolling around on the grass fucking blew me away. Just seeing them laying down and getting up looks bizarre because of how big they are. I remember getting bit by one right on my arm. I was a kid a remember freaking out and was told he was only playing with me. The guy had a point in saying if the horse really wanted to bite me in aggression, I would have known the difference because it would have bitten a chunk out of my arm instead of just closing it's mouth on it.

This video always makes me chuckle

Never seen or heard that before thats funny

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Had a girlfriend's bunny jump 4ft up onto the bed to headbutt my ass as I was screwing her, guess it thought I may be hurting her (also guess it hadn't seen my dick)

Ever since I wonder how much I could play-fight with a bunny owner before it would try to attack me, kinda like when a dog will get all combative and barking if you fake hit someone, but it'd be much funnier cause rabbits are gay and retarded