Did politics ruin family and friends for you?


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
I've been given aluminum foil already. One left it on the park table where I keep my bag, it was balled up and definitely from the trash.

Sounds gay, but it made me feel nice inside. I can imagine this crow sifting through trash and finding it and being like "this fucking dude will LOVE this." and left it next to my belongings. I don't think it's the same one who eats from my hand though.
It doesn't sound gay, it takes a lot of time and patience to get to that point with a wild animal, I had bunnies years back that would eat Lucky Charms out of a cup I held, at most I had eight of them, it got to point where I could work in in yard using drill and circular saw and they would hop around a foot away from me eating clover or just lay on their sides, also had a gray fox I would shoot squirrels for he would show up every night at 7 to get it

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
I only lost friends/family with people who have no sense of humor about things. If you can’t laugh at trump saying Ted Cruz father was the zodiac killer or calling warren Pocahontas just because you hate trump, you’re a cunt.

If you can’t laugh at psycho Robert Redford saying trumps retarded son should be locked in a cage with pedophiles because you love trump, you’re a cunt.


Would you abandon family for that, like your parents, if they thought like that? There are more important things in life than all this political bullshit?
Hell nah I wouldn't abandon family. When Covid was-a-roarin' in 2020 and 2021, a family member cancelled on a camping trip because I wasn't vaccinated, and another family member literally cried and cancelled a Christmas gathering. I didn't make Covid important - they did and it's annoying.


Hell nah I wouldn't abandon family. When Covid was-a-roarin' in 2020 and 2021, a family member cancelled on a camping trip because I wasn't vaccinated, and another family member literally cried and cancelled a Christmas gathering. I didn't make Covid important - they did and it's annoying.

People really showed their true colours during the Covid shit. I gained a lot of respect for certain people in my family but also disdain for others.
My best friend dropped me out of nowhere -- gave me a full on "we need to talk" style break up that I couldn't take seriously even though he was legit about not wanting to talk to me again. It'd be easy to blame it on politics, since he's a walking a reddit page (he bought GameStop stock at $311) but I think it has more to do with his wife being a fucking headcase. We'll see what happens after the inevitable, messy break up.

Also my Dad spends way too much time on Twitter getting mad (or as he calls it, "laughing at the news") and in the last couple years has really got into building Lego. I don't think the correlation is a coincidence.


I only lost friends/family with people who have no sense of humor about things. If you can’t laugh at trump saying Ted Cruz father was the zodiac killer or calling warren Pocahontas just because you hate trump, you’re a cunt.

If you can’t laugh at psycho Robert Redford saying trumps retarded son should be locked in a cage with pedophiles because you love trump, you’re a cunt.

I don't think either of those things are funny, and not in an "I'm offended" way. Trump throws these misdirection shiny things and I'm embarrassed for the media for giving them attention. The way to get him serious about the job would've been to make detached, emotionless, clinical reports on his press conferences, not report on his tweets, then move on to the weather.

Robert Redford was sperging and just wanted to say the most hurtful thing he could, and it just makes him look bad.
I don't think either of those things are funny, and not in an "I'm offended" way. Trump throws these misdirection shiny things and I'm embarrassed for the media for giving them attention. The way to get him serious about the job would've been to make detached, emotionless, clinical reports on his press conferences, not report on his tweets, then move on to the weather.

Robert Redford was sperging and just wanted to say the most hurtful thing he could, and it just makes him look bad.
You may not be "offended", but you're still being a wet blanket.

You don't have to find the specific utterances to be humorous to be able to co-sign "Hollywood star makes ass of self talking politics" or "blowhard politician mocks democratic process" as something worth laughing off instead of analyzing.

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
Politics is fucking gay and getting emotional about is even gayer. If my only two voting options are the party that wants to rape my kids and genocide me and the other party that wants to give all my money to Israel and then genocide me then I don’t care and I’m probably going to just sit it out altogether. Let me know when the reanimated corpse of Hitler is running and then maybe I’ll take time out of my day to go tick a box


You may not be "offended", but you're still being a wet blanket.

You don't have to find the specific utterances to be humorous to be able to co-sign "Hollywood star makes ass of self talking politics" or "blowhard politician mocks democratic process" as something worth laughing off instead of analyzing.

You may be right there. I always thought the Trump shit would've been funny if it wasn't for how consequential his position was. Back in 2006 or 2007 when he was holding press conferences to shit on Rosie O'Donnell, it was all in good fun. When he was running for president or the sitting president and talking shit, I couldn't believe the media was spending all afternoon on a dumbass tweet.

Faggot Boqposter

The Alawite Assassin
I don't think either of those things are funny, and not in an "I'm offended" way. Trump throws these misdirection shiny things and I'm embarrassed for the media for giving them attention. The way to get him serious about the job would've been to make detached, emotionless, clinical reports on his press conferences, not report on his tweets, then move on to the weather.

Robert Redford was sperging and just wanted to say the most hurtful thing he could, and it just makes him look bad.
Why is him being serious important? Who gives a shit he was an incompetent moron sandwiched between two even more incompetent Morons. Trump and Biden are both hilarious for different reasons, Obama had his moments but even when he was funny he was such a smarmy prick it was lost in the cuntiness.


Politics is fucking gay and getting emotional about is even gayer. If my only two voting options are the party that wants to rape my kids and genocide me and the other party that wants to give all my money to Israel and then genocide me then I don’t care and I’m probably going to just sit it out altogether. Let me know when the reanimated corpse of Hitler is running and then maybe I’ll take time out of my day to go tick a box
A hologram hitler walking around a major US city would be a pretty good bit


People really showed their true colours during the Covid shit. I gained a lot of respect for certain people in my family but also disdain for others.
Covid was rough. People that you knew or loved crazy about the masks, and then their terrible takes on the vaccine mandates really made you start to look at some of these people a different way for letting the government tell them what to think, and to see these peoples own hate when they felt unable to control and force their fellow citizens into doing something. Too many people live their life in black and white, red/blue team, its all so childish. Getting off social media where you are inundated with whatever left or right only accounts that you are following is the best thing you can do to finally take a step back and look at everything on a case by case basis. Its a tough one man


It doesn't sound gay, it takes a lot of time and patience to get to that point with a wild animal, I had bunnies years back that would eat Lucky Charms out of a cup I held, at most I had eight of them, it got to point where I could work in in yard using drill and circular saw and they would hop around a foot away from me eating clover or just lay on their sides, also had a gray fox I would shoot squirrels for he would show up every night at 7 to get it
Bunnies are a trip when they are trusting of you. They do different types of random hops that aren't the same as their regular ones. Almost like they kick they're feet out of the side in the air.

The crows are hilarious. They'll do this random caw with a low pitch, almost sounded kinda like a burp that last a few seconds, like when a dog is whining, they'll do this a few feet away from me getting closer and closer. Some even wrestling each other on the grass, definitely comfortable around me to an extent. They're awesome birds. It's not easy to tell them apart, but you can see different beak shapes, different feathers on the beak, and their feet. The one who eats from my hand is young and still has some pink around his beak. He doesn't fly away the peanut either. Sits there and breaks into it just a couple of feet away from me, even with it's back turned. Sometimes cawing back at the ones screaming at him for being so fucking close. Their little community isn't make believe, they're so social that it's incredible.

I love em.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
Bunnies are a trip when they are trusting of you. They do different types of random hops that aren't the same as their regular ones. Almost like they kick they're feet out of the side in the air.

The crows are hilarious. They'll do this random caw with a low pitch, almost sounded kinda like a burp that last a few seconds, like when a dog is whining, they'll do this a few feet away from me getting closer and closer. Some even wrestling each other on the grass, definitely comfortable around me to an extent. They're awesome birds. It's not easy to tell them apart, but you can see different beak shapes, different feathers on the beak, and their feet. The one who eats from my hand is young and still has some pink around his beak. He doesn't fly away the peanut either. Sits there and breaks into it just a couple of feet away from me, even with it's back turned. Sometimes cawing back at the ones screaming at him for being so fucking close. Their little community isn't make believe, they're so social that it's incredible.

I love em.
They are smart, I worked at this place where they purchased new Ford F450/550 chassis trucks they would put utility bodies on them, they had to have at least 75 of them in the yard all with maybe a mile on them, these crows would land on the hoods and pull the rubber wiper blades off the trucks nobody every figured out why, it went on for a while until it just stopped one day, there is probably a guide online to crow language, the bunny kick like that they call binkies we had a pet rabbit and he would run, jump and slam into wall them drop on floor like it was dead, found this rabbit language guide online and it really worked even with wild ones https://language.rabbitspeak.com/
I lost some friends when Obama was elected because they wouldn't tolerate anyone who'd criticize King Nigger and that was back when I talked politics with friends. A few of them later realized that they were stupid for acting that way because of a political disagreement. I'm always friendly when they reach out to me, but I never reach out to them.

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
My best friend dropped me out of nowhere -- gave me a full on "we need to talk" style break up that I couldn't take seriously even though he was legit about not wanting to talk to me again. It'd be easy to blame it on politics, since he's a walking a reddit page (he bought GameStop stock at $311) but I think it has more to do with his wife being a fucking headcase. We'll see what happens after the inevitable, messy break up.

Also my Dad spends way too much time on Twitter getting mad (or as he calls it, "laughing at the news") and in the last couple years has really got into building Lego. I don't think the correlation is a coincidence.
If they broke up and he apoligized to you would you accept the apology and forgive? I had 2 faggot friends of mine do this to me over Covid and although I was sad at the time, at this point I don't think I'd forgive them if they came crawling back.


They are smart, I worked at this place where they purchased new Ford F450/550 chassis trucks they would put utility bodies on them, they had to have at least 75 of them in the yard all with maybe a mile on them, these crows would land on the hoods and pull the rubber wiper blades off the trucks nobody every figured out why, it went on for a while until it just stopped one day, there is probably a guide online to crow language, the bunny kick like that they call binkies we had a pet rabbit and he would run, jump and slam into wall them drop on floor like it was dead, found this rabbit language guide online and it really worked even with wild ones https://language.rabbitspeak.com/
Some guy probably has a bunch of wipers in his back yard and is wondering where the fuck they came from. Crows definitely have a language and have different calls depending on the threat level of anyone and anything in the area. If they're swooping down at you, then you must have done something to one of them at one point, even it was years ago they don't forget it, they even supposedly pass on info to offspring about particular threats including just an individual person. They tested it with some rubber masks years ago.

I never knew it was called binkies when rabbits do that. It's such interesting behavior because you can tell they're doing it out of enjoyment and it's not some random movements.

Animals are awesome. Horses are another trip. Don't get me started on those beasts!