Did politics ruin family and friends for you?

not that Jack Horner

If you saw me IRL you very likely wouldn't look me
if you lose either friends or family you need to re evaluate your message

they are the people who know you

there is no political or religious message that exists today that hasn’t had years of
brilliant propaganda behind it

so if you cant convince your friends of family your doing good, you dont understand your own message

what faggot shit do you believe in?

i have an amazing quote for all of my vices

you lack confidence

men create, boys watch, and women be shoppin


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I don't really care about what my family believes, Nazi or communist, I don't care. I've always been open-minded. The ones that I don't talk to anymore are the ones that can't shut up about Current Events(tm), but know nothing about them in depth. A lot of people these days have a little of that Fatrick narcissism. I told one of them I didn't need to hear their opinion on everything and she acted like an alcoholic does at an intervention.

That's why I think the audience for political media are basically addicts. They delude themselves into thinking that their life experiences and the 20 minutes of headline flipping they did prepares them for an in-depth opinion on highly complicated topics with a lot of unknown variables. It's the same ego that drives an addict to believe that the laws of probability are going to change just for them. Casinos and media basically attracts the same type of people.


yep yep yep yep yep
Gal Gadot ova hea...

Former Prez Gerald Ford

Come over and we’ll have nachos. And some beer.
I don't really care about what my family believes, Nazi or communist, I don't care. I've always been open-minded. The ones that I don't talk to anymore are the ones that can't shut up about Current Events(tm), but know nothing about them in depth. A lot of people these days have a little of that Fatrick narcissism. I told one of them I didn't need to hear their opinion on everything and she acted like an alcoholic does at an intervention.

That's why I think the audience for political media are basically addicts. They delude themselves into thinking that their life experiences and the 20 minutes of headline flipping they did prepares them for an in-depth opinion on highly complicated topics with a lot of unknown variables. It's the same ego that drives an addict to believe that the laws of probability are going to change just for them. Casinos and media basically attracts the same type of people.
You could put an even finer point on it and just say “everyone is retarded including you and me”. Reality and truth exist and there’s no shame in trying to get as close to the truth as you can but in the end it’s like chasing shadows. Nowadays especially you’re essentially sifting through a mountain of gussied up lies to find even one kernel of truth and even then you’re still operating mostly on instinct in terms of differentiating between the two. The only real truth you can be sure of is what you can see and touch for yourself like for example when I reach between my legs I know I’m going to find a mediocre to middling cock and some testicles. It might not be much but it’s reassuring all the same to know there are still some certainties in life


You have to just ignore it all. It's fake and gay. Trump made it funny. He should go down as the greatest open micer of all time, he just shit talked his way to being president. Great bit. Ya he sold out to the jews, but that's the job. He's going to run again, see if someone calls him out. I doubt it. Politicians are huge faggots. Remember how gay the kids running for class president were? Dan Mullen types. Multiply that by 1000x.

Look how miserable Pat and his Twitter following are. Look how HAPPY 😊 😃 😀 😄 we are. Live for the laughs, boys. Don't be a Dan or a Pat. Love your family. Show them cute animal pictures whenever they say something pozzed.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
If you lose friends over politics, they weren't really your friends to begin with.

I have quite a few friends that are far left Bernie supporters and know I learn right/libertarian or whatever and don't care. The people who are like "We can disagree over pizza toppings, not racism" are psychos who look for ways to feel like they're being oppressed because they're miserable.


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
I feed crows. They don't mind that I supported Trump, they just enjoy the peanuts I give them.

I'm fixing to get one to land on my arm and am getting close to gaining it's trust. Little nigga takes it from my hand already while the others go insane screaming at him.
My uncle had a pet one like that, when he would drive to the store he would come out and it would be perched on his car, you know when gained their trust when they start bringing you "gifts" https://www.inspiremore.com/gabi-mann-crow-gifts/


My uncle had a pet one like that, when he would drive to the store he would come out and it would be perched on his car, you know when gained their trust when they start bringing you "gifts" https://www.inspiremore.com/gabi-mann-crow-gifts/
I've been given aluminum foil already. One left it on the park table where I keep my bag, it was balled up and definitely from the trash.

Sounds gay, but it made me feel nice inside. I can imagine this crow sifting through trash and finding it and being like "this fucking dude will LOVE this." and left it next to my belongings. I don't think it's the same one who eats from my hand though.


The Backbone of America
I can tune shit out I don't agree with real easy. Just smile and nod. I'm pretty sure most people I interact with know that I don't want to hear their takes on politics because when it's brought up, I offer no input. I just kind of shut off, don't make eye contact, and give one word answers. I guess that's some passive aggressive shit, but whatever.
I quit facebook... seemed to lose all the losers in one click.

I've got a small number of close family who realise that I'm miraculously more intelligent than all of them (they're retarded, I'm not boasting), so they shut their dumb mouths
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if you lose friends because they disagree with your politics they weren’t friend material to begin with.

I try to avoid talking politics with people, especially when i visit my parents .
You are half-right imo.
If you are the one who put his politics before your friendship then you are the cunt.

I used to be really into stormfront and shit and once my friend told me to just shut the fuck up with my political shit. After that I kinda realised that there are plenty of other reason to be friends with someone, you dont have to agree on everything.