Did politics ruin family and friends for you?

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
I legit lost a friend ship of 25 plus years because I said, "if I get COVID, I get COVID".

When I had jew book, I updated my profile pic to kek, haven't heard from a close family member going on like 3 years now.

My mom always talks down to me, even though I have never been in any type of legal problems or have asked her or my dad for money since... 2005 or 6... My sister is a drug whore, and my parents have to always watch her kids. But I get talked to like a little kid and have to deal with arguments because I voted for Orange man.

I have gotten to the point where I don't watch any type of news anymore, and can spot the people that watch it all the time. I might watch Styx, marc dice, or salty cracker if they have a video topic that I want to know about... But I usually just jump rope.


The family who make it an identity thing, I usually agree with them and magnify their claims.

"covid is a hoax"
"oh yeah, absolutely...fawkin government man"

"our kids need n95 masks in school. I will make a fuss if I catch them with those flimsy masks"
"Fawkin government man...yeah they are cutting on the good masks, they want to cull us with this virus".

Carl Winslow

I'm not a Fed
if you lose friends because they disagree with your politics they weren’t friend material to begin with.

I try to avoid talking politics with people, especially when i visit my parents .

THat's fair.

some people get crazy thou when ever you talk about the weather.


Imagine only associating with people who have the exact same political views as you, doesn’t that make life boring? That’s how echo chambers start.
You’re full of shit takes lately
Imagine giving anybody the time of day who says “yea right wingers are racist, blacks are being systematically killed by police, anti-vaxxers are plaguerats”
Just say you wanna hang with niki and pat clogboy


You’re full of shit takes lately
Imagine giving anybody the time of day who says “yea right wingers are racist, blacks are being systematically killed by police, anti-vaxxers are plaguerats”
Just say you wanna hang with niki and pat clogboy

You take it to it’s extreme, most people in real life are quite reasonable. Not everything is as black and white like you portray.

Brooke Shields

Patrick Tomlinson hates me because I am a woman
Imagine only associating with people who have the exact same political views as you, doesn’t that make life boring? That’s how echo chambers start.
You’re full of shit takes lately
Imagine giving anybody the time of day who says “yea right wingers are racist, blacks are being systematically killed by police, anti-vaxxers are plaguerats”
Just say you wanna hang with niki and pat clogboy
Imagine starting an argument with "Imagine"