Danny once shit his pants while waiting for the Star Tours at Disneyland

I also once shit on my parents oriental rug. Nobody was home and I was wearing a shirt and nothing else. I was on the phone and kept telling my buddy I had to run. He insisted he finish his story. I felt a bubble in my anus and I went for it. It was like stepping on a ketchup packet full of chocolate syrup. I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning liquid shit of a rug. I must've done a good job since nobody ever knew and I was never busted.

I also shit my pants waiting for the bus. I had to throw my underwear away at a coffee shop bathroom.
Did you and Joe Cumia ever hold hands while sitting and concurrently making nigger (shitting) in the men’s urinals together, as you both screamed that the Holohoax was a lie, with the men’s room door open so that everyone walking through the halls could hear and see?

The radio execs and staff were truly horrified. Moi little kikeala! L,Chaim!


Boq sucks coq
Your whole "you're obsessed with me. You can't get enough of me!" schtick is incredibly cringe and womanly. It's such a weak defense.

*Acts like an antagonistic jew rat boy* "You responded! That means you're obsessed with me and I win!!"

Consider roping, Danny.
He has considered, and even attempted. But he failed even at that too. That's why he was locked up in the looney bin.