Daily reminder that Danny Ross contributed absolutely nothing to Rockstar or the GTA franchise


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
But this is DMAN here. The ultimate know-nothing.

What, because he's black? Racist.

Yeah, if my dad was Ron, I guess I'd be working there too.

Anthony Cumia, a pedophile, was your meal ticket. You burned that bridge and now play the "but... he was a pedo!!!" card like you still wouldn't be kissing Missy's ass at dinners if the money was still coming in. Every job you got was nepotism of the "Anthony just wants a friend" variety.


It is Anthony with a bodybuilder body, right? Admit it and pretend it's a joke, instead of denying it and confirming it's a sexual fantasy.
Anthony Cumia, a pedophile, was your meal ticket.

lmao no. I got an internship and worked really hard at it. Befriending Anthony wasn't a plot, like Sam and Opie.

Every job you got was nepotism

I did free work for FoundryMusic. I did free work for O&A. Got hired. Networked with Lazlow. We had a friendship. O&A ends, Rockstar begins.

When you wanna find a new job, what do you do. Look in the papers? Go on Monster.com? Or do you think about who you know.

It is Anthony with a bodybuilder body, right? Admit it and pretend it's a joke, instead of denying it and confirming it's a sexual fantasy.

Is that what YOU see? Rorschach says: You gay. I wasn't an asset designer homeboy.


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
lmao no. I got an internship and worked really hard at it. Befriending Anthony wasn't a plot, like Sam and Opie.

You and Sam were the queen bees of the popular clique. He had Opie, you had Ant. You really want to deny this?

I did free work for FoundryMusic. I did free work for O&A. Got hired. Networked with Lazlow. We had a friendship. O&A ends, Rockstar begins.

When you wanna find a new job, what do you do. Look in the papers? Go on Monster.com? Or do you think about who you know.

We had a friendship. Seriously Danny, what was the straw that made you snap at Lazlow and burn yet another bridge?

Is that what YOU see? Rorschach says: You gay. I wasn't an asset designer homeboy.

I'm literally a cute latina named Jenna
It's so much more entertaining to listen to the Erock compilation knowing Daniel Ross has personally sidestepped my arguments because you can't answer them.


Oh, you.

You really want to deny this?

I wouldn't deny it, but context is key. We were just two guys. Sam and Opie was manufactured.

We had a friendship. Seriously Danny, what was the straw that made you snap at Lazlow and burn yet another bridge?

When I was led to HR, by Lazlow, with zero idea what was coming, although I was told numerous times it would never go down like that.

Idiot hits "print screen"

Put the bit down for a sec. Is this what you really think?


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
When I was led to HR, by Lazlow, with zero idea what was coming, although I was told numerous times it would never go down like that.

We had a problem, and we tried to do everything we could. You know what I mean. He's gone, we can't do anything about it.

Also Danny please listen and comment:
