"Civilian" who picked up Rick's chairs reaches out to him on Craigslist to arrange their return (☢️Pig Sperg-out Warning☢️)


Stand Alone Fruit
Holy shit he posted it on FB


Sure they will Pat, especially since you’re SUING them.

This one made me laugh


The FBI is looking for my trash wood chairs!


May St. Mel bless you
Just think of all these kind of interactions Pat has had that we don’t know about. Really explains why his career is dead and has burned so many bridges. He’s a huge asshole to anyone that doesn’t do what he demands and a nightmare to deal with for any professional situation.
Can you even imagine being this much of a cunt on a daily basis? I work in one of the cuntiest businesses on the planet and I don't even know people like Pat. What a fucking nigger he is.

The pig throws a bitch fit anytime his delusions of grandeur run up against reality.

Prison Enjoyer

Status: Enjoying Prison! 😁
Its crazy that is how he would have acted if they really reached out to him. With his ultimatums and veiled threats. I wouldnt blame them for not returning the chairs. He always tries to act like a bully
This exchange reminds me a lot of the pest control thread. This is how Patrick talks to normal people, whomever they are.
Found an old reddit thread where this was happening to someone 4 years ago:

Basically they say tell the cops that people are doing this, flag everything, contact reddit, and put up signs/take everything off your lawn. Otherwise you can't do anything and you won't get anything back. They don't suggest "file a police report about your stolen chairs"


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
My goodness, he's so predictable. Of course he can't rent a pickup truck or shit even hire an uber to transport them. You will drive my chairs to me, or else the Milwaukee PD (my personal army, who I happen to be suing) will arrest you. Those are your only options. You have one hour before you spend the rest of your life in prison. Tick tock.


None of what fatso said makes any sense.

So Pat gave a police report about the stolen chairs, but hasn't provided the police with the "car registration" (I assume stupid means liscense plate) from the security video yet? And he refuses to give out the cop's info who is investigating this? Things are fishier than Nikki's cunt!

Also I hope he did send this conversation to the MPD. They deserve a good laugh.
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