@ChicopeeChip's bullying livestreams are very troubling indeed. It would be a shame if we all reported them for breaking youtube's terms of service.

You report Pat's twitter account every single day. Why are you so bad at this, child? I stand with Pat, and always have.


The livelihood thing threw me off. I mean I don’t think Dan is making any money off this at all. If anything he’s had to invest in getting podcast equipment into the city.

He’s doing this for all us brothamen, having fun and Cuntfucker hates that.

Its a free YouTube channel and Dan can just create more.

The livelihood thing was a joke, you can call me a hypocrite or a faggot but in my humble opionion this is not cool.


"He's ducking through the alleys!"
ah yes, the vast wealth accumulated by a livestream hosted and viewed by a handful of delusional stalkers

View attachment 36111

I just can't stand for it. A line has to be drawn somewhere. Some things are off limits, like Patrick.
The fact that you don't get the livelihood bit is really bothersome, I don't think you know even the most basic lore of this place


#1 Poster
Shup up, street shitter. You will only speak when directly spoken too and given permission to speak. And don’t make direct eye contact with your masters.
I'm Italian
I thought YouTube was a safe space and a FAMILY service for everybody. Not a vehicle for hate filled cyber atalker to spread their bigotry.

thank you for your service, I am literally shaking rn.
These are troubling times