Brothermen you are rooting for to get their lives together?


-Former DMANIC
Knock that off...


-Former DMANIC
I hope that @TheGhostOfAbeVigoda gets his corporeal body back, a Fish reboot with the original Star would SLAP.

@admin deserves all the Naan bread he can eat - oh wait, he's no longer Indian, right.

Wherever Braunheiser is, I hope he knows we all wish Terry a happy mother's Day every year.

I hope @McGowan6 learns from me and stays as far away from Scotland as possible.

I'd like to hear that @CuntFucker got laid so the guy can relax a little. And stop flashing that ugly dick.

@SpaceEdge deserves a Pulitzer and you can't tell me otherwise.

@BenDovid I hope you learn to roll with the beating around here, you'll be better off, trust me.

And finally, @captain_kamala , I hope the voices stop bothering you.
But you're @McGowan6 ?


There's feral honkies in the Smoky Mountains
Lol, how did you get there?

He's either @Torque’sHeadBump or (long shot) @TheGhostOfAbeVigoda.
If I were Ray Wilson, you'd get a lot of stories of him being an unpredictable, violent drug addict interspersed with stories of growing up in rural Canada that don't line up with being a born and bred Scot. I'd also tell it so Phil Collins follows Ray around swordfighting him like the Kurgan from Highlander.