Brewers opening day


Fat bitch with faggot tits
Well, it’s why he doesn’t have a bank account and everything is in Niki’s name. He would have done so many dumb things by now - remember he posted how he microwaves his eggs? He most likely is not allowed to use the stove or own a lighter.
Lol. I didn't see the egg microwaving. His dinners all look like they were made by someone who needs a support worker.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.

His early victory lap lasted less than a day



He is such a childbrained idiot. Couldn't even wait til niki had finished paying to take a fucking selfie. Who cares that her bank card is in shot. His followers need to see his shandy.
I think it's worth mentioning that Patrick only doxed himself in the first place because he was retarded enough to tweet out a picture of him posting a letter with his return address clearly written on the envelope. It's a fucking miracle he made it to 40 without perishing in a very stupid accident.
I'm fairly certain he posted his cell phone number on his website at one point. Probably in the hopes for any media interviews or a Hollywood producer would call.

I'm fairly certain he posted his cell phone number on his website at one point. Probably in the hopes for any media interviews or a Hollywood producer would call.

Based on his shitty story he didn't even win the contest with (only a "finalist") which is a laughably fake and gay "contest" which is used to recruit more unsuspecting people into joining the cult of Scientology. He brags about the dumbest and most embarrassing shit.


Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
Couldn’t find the microwave egg tweet but this I hadn’t seen
View attachment 191395

I don't have a 140IQ guys, I need some help.
Where's the joke here? did Obama/trump say something about microwave cooking?
Is the text being backwards part of the 'joke'?

Is the joke that Trump has a shitty 70's microwave stacked upon an oversized fridge blocking part of a doorway?
I don't have a 140IQ guys, I need some help.
Where's the joke here? did Obama/trump say something about microwave cooking?
Is the text being backwards part of the 'joke'?

Is the joke that Trump has a shitty 70's microwave stacked upon an oversized fridge blocking part of a doorway?
The Obama Administration spied on Trump properties while he was running for POTUS. Idiots like Fatso who believe the Russian interference hoax also believe that Obama spying was a lie. It wasn't a lie. It was proven true and the Feds finally reluctantly admitted they spied on Trump by bugging his properties. Fatso thought he was funny saying Trump thinks Obama is using his microwave to spy on him.

tl;dr: Fatso is an unfunny retard with Trump Derangement Syndrome.