Breaking: SUV plows through Waukesha parade, injures 30

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
1.) Kangz type "Muslim" niggers trying to spark a race war.
2.) Actual Muslims doing a "European style"
3.) White accelerationist.
4.) Incel spergout.
5.) Magatard boomer inspired by the Rittenhouse verdict.
6.) Asian driver trying to reverse.
7.) Fat local firebrands heart finally gave out whilst driving his 2008 model Mustang.

Place your bets.

Edit: We can rule out option 7, i have just watched the clips. No Mustang in site. Bad shit man, looks pretty grim.. it wiped a full group of people out, there will most likely be a few fatalities from that. Thoughts n prayers.

Edit 2: Christmas parade, so i think we can rule out Maga boomers. My money is now firmly on a nigger enraged by the Rittenhouse verdict, the timing and it being in Wisconsin is too much of a coincidence.
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The Waukesha police scanner live feed


This is a shot from in the parade.

Looking a little primate.
