Boq's Greatest Hits


I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High
You dont get pussy, online or in real life. I have people from real life (that I have sex with) in my server as I type this. You are a loser extraordinaire (puppeteered by a grievance having scizo from YouTube whose no longer making content, but still contacting NPC, along with chh, another NPC who doesn't want to be one).

The Onaforums Sex Haver Club gains yet another member!


Pronouns: (Hee/Tee)
She's literally right here next to me, laughing at you. I tell her you're 40 and harass other 40 somethings, over texts like we used to when we were 9-10 year olds.


Why cant we all just get along, funsters
The Onaforums Sex Haver Club gains yet another member!

You can manufacture the vibe with the trad movement...but it will always be monkey see monkey do (LARP), and not from a place of fitra

What do you care, jenna're gay and think I'm a homophobe and thus not alliance-worthy (though I never went alliance mongering with you anyway).


Pronouns: (Hee/Tee)

You can manufacture the vibe with the trad movement...but it will always be monkey see monkey do (LARP), and not from a place of fitra

What do you care, jenna're gay and think I'm a homophobe and thus not alliance-worthy (though I never went alliance mongering with you anyway).

You have no wife.


Pronouns: (Hee/Tee)
He pulled this within moments. He literally has Pat's tweets MEMORIZED. Like how Muslims memorize qur'an

These guys, crack open a beer...and go harass a man via text messages, like how we go to masjid and recite prayers.

Yeah but is your wife real?

Why cant we all just get along, funsters
You will make a thread about a Pat tweet from 2016...and it will be 200+ sassy replies and photoshops. The tweet itself is a decade old.

(Now keep in mind, I do the same thing with the Cumia brothers and Nordon to a less extent)...but you are a Patposter. You memorized his tweets.

I do it to a formerly funny radio person. You do it to some random sci fi author, who is your superior in EVERY metric, while just being a regular guy you harass. He fucked with quasi and lawyers got rich...woooo funny, he didn't need 17,000 grand lying around...he had his meal ticket sugar momma. what do you have, except mongering harassment of a human being?



I'm the girl u needed in Jr. High
What do you care, jenna're gay and think I'm a homophobe and thus not alliance-worthy (though I never went alliance mongering with you anyway).

Boq for the thousandth time, I think forum alliances are the gayest thing ever, the entire Jenna gimmick is predated on destroying the Lawless/Ricci/Belucci alliance (Mission Accomplished!)

Stop taking it personally. You weren't rejected, you applied for a position that wasn't available. Or whatever version you want it to be. You never wanted an alliance, but you're bitter that we don't have an alliance and keep bringing it up.


Pronouns: (Hee/Tee)
Boq for the thousandth time, I think forum alliances are the gayest thing ever, the entire Jenna gimmick is predated on destroying the Lawless/Ricci/Belucci alliance (Mission Accomplished!)

Stop taking it personally. You weren't rejected, you applied for a position that wasn't available. Or whatever version you want it to be. You never wanted an alliance, but you're bitter that we don't have an alliance and keep bringing it up.

Yeah, talk some sense into him lol.

Light dawns on Marblehead.