Boq, dee"s for yooouuu!


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
magic sprinkles (and Im saying this knowing a bunch of these guys may not 'like' me, but they all must certainly know where I stand:

-Dougie/Agent Qadan
-the fuchitive (when he used to post here)
-Coonskin/Here Lies Ro Cumia
-RapistWithHIV (literally subbed to his channel from its beginning)
-BenDovid (yes, he is funny and I lol at his dissmissive retorts)
-DMAN and LingerLonger (always shat on by ppl lesser than them)
-Niggerman (his writing style alone used to make me laugh, but I also respect and identify with his thinking, his laments, etc)
-Hahaha Holee Shit

I just like/liked reading these people's shit... then a cline (people I like/respect for whatever reason...then pay no mind/bores ...then are some I would like to keep dat "barzakh"
Allah is a pedophile


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
Excuse me, and you are? Seriously if I hadnt dm'd you either as child or myself, I dont think we're that close. Nor do I need to validate shit.

Oh, right you're another one of them "other side of the barzakh" fellas. Go seek help for your fecal fetish, and more importantly, whatever appetite you quenched, with running off some soft target.

Naht magic sprinkles in you. Just anger. Take care of your daughters my man, and log out of this place.
It was an honest question.. Muslims are so sensitive. Don't draw Allah or I'll kill myself and become a "martyr"!!

Go post more low quality shit take YouTube videos. You have a "brand" to maintain. Can't wait to start crashing those streams now that you've signaled a jihad on me and my family.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
You, Minaw, etc...are on my level, I see y'all eye to eye. No "magic", but you got my love.
You are not on my level, child.



I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
I dont like how you conducted yourself with CQ1 tbhya...all you needed to do was a zelda.jpg when you figured out he was "off".
You don't like how I conducted myself? Would you say it was unacceptable? Everything has to be friendly and nice, even with bobo level retards? I can't spray a lil Windex on a guy here and there? You used to be a big fan, don't lie. Allah knows and sees.

Tell me the rules I must abide by, what would Allah think of your posts here trolling people? You're going to burn


Massachusetts State Senator
You don't like how I conducted myself? Would you say it was unacceptable? Everything has to be friendly and nice, even bobo level retards? I can't spray a lil Windex on a guy here and there? You used to be a big fan, don't lie. Allah knows and sees.
Are you going to invite me onto your podcast or not? Kind of a bitch move if not.


You, Minaw, etc...are on my level, I see y'all eye to eye. No "magic", but you got my love. I will admit there was an extended period where I expressed contempt towards you (and especially Patreeky), but you Dutch fuckers never creeped me out on a "soul" level. I mean I think Chiseler is a weird littler liar for eg, and choc hellhole coprophilic and miserable.

There are others here who give me "miserable" vibes, but there's no barzakh/creepiness to dem....Carl Winsow, No Bacon, SaltedEarthTruffles, DogEater (I called him out on it), the Kike and Nigger Hate thread contributors, etc (Imager taught me alot but he needs some happiness in his life for eg). Allah be with them, no bs.

btw...the Magic Sprinkles crowd may also be miserable, idk whats going on with people's psyches. I just know they turn their misery into: magic sprinkles.

Im still hilarious btw...Y'all saw it with my child. alt. But my "magic sprinkles" is in what I have to say as Boq Precision.

We might have had our differences and maybe still do (😅) but you’re a good egg Boq.


I’ve come round to him. I think he takes the personalities that people take on (see: your recent change) here a little too literally but I guess that’s part of the package. His headstone should read “Alright For A Shitskin”

I didn’t understand Boq in the beginning and I think he was confused (I assume) by me as well but now I really respect him. I know he’s an honourable person.


I am a genius btw...was on the Dean List
.no magic sprinkles in you
This sounds very pedophilic by the way. I guess when you're reading the kuron all your life some of the child bride conversational vocabulary enters your conversations with adult men as well.

"Magic sprinkles" Zelda.jpg

We used to talk on the phone for hours.. you DMd me begging to know who I was because you "like my style"

What happened? You need subscribers that bad that me running off @CQ_1 is hurting your fledgling channel? Why can't you just post the video where you make redbar laugh? I'll watch all 7 hours to get to it