Boomers don’t understand buying power.

Agent Smith

You are a plague and we are the cure.
To use it like the greatest generation did?
No, they mostly roped a bunch of cacs while getting the occasional nigger or the even rarer jew. If 30,000,000 or so Whites somehow got their shit together enough to really make rope fashionable again, they'd need to [ACTIONABLE THREAT] the [SPECIFIC TARGETS] and not stop until they're gone. No breaks for fighting overseas wars against your own interests or destabilizing your southern neighbors for cheap fruit.


The gunslinger.
It's hilarious how Boomers aren't even the real Boomers. The postwar boomer generation are the ones who became hippies and gave birth to the modern boomers (born in the 60's-early 70's like the Cumias and Boomia) and raised them poorly, this creating the second, worse generation of boomers

The funniest infographic I’ve seen on this is McDonald’s wage vs Big Mac price.

It’s something like 1hr of McDonald’s pay in the 80s was 6.5 Big Macs and now it’s 0.9.

“PeOple DoN’T WaNt To WorK” I worked fast food jobs as a teenager, I’m pretty sure if I was a teenager now it would be unprofitable to do it because of the travel costs.


Stand Alone Fruit
Old and young. It's insane. Simple shit like balancing a checkbook or calculating interest manages to miss being taught to an unsettling number of people.
I was just reading how there’s a current popular trend on tik Tok of users telling everyone to AVOID getting a work 401k and it’s spreading all kinds of misinformation and you know sadly there’s a large group of people that get their information from tik tok videos. They should really have this kind of stuff mandatory in school but they’re too busy making nonsense like gender studies mandatory.


Still spreading the O&A virus
My mom is firmly in this camp. She made $7 US an hour as a line cook at restaurant in 1981 but she’s heartbroken that the local breakfast shithole she goes to now is closing due to “no one wants to work anymore”. $7 in 1981 is worth $23.45 now.
George Washington could buy a horse, 2 weeks of groceries, and a month at a hotel for .60¢but you can't get your own apartment on $8 an hour?

Sue Lightning

I’m now thinking they’re just trolling at this point. There’s no other explanation other than they are actually retarded.
They’re not. They’re fucking retards. They didn’t have to learn about economies or investing because they were told it would be done for them. And it was. They were born into the greatest economy in history and took it all for granted. They blew the excess money they had into consumerism and “invested” their money into social security and other meaningless bullshit. Look up the percentages of poverty rates and how it relates to people over 55+. Despite being the richest generation they are also somehow the poorest because they are fucking retarded. You wouldn’t believe how many customers I meet who live in these million dollar houses but can’t afford a one time 3 figure charge for something they NEED.

Why do you think every boomer touts the same “Carter bad for economy, Reagan good” bullshit? They have no idea how anything works. Without making this too long winded (it is already) the Chairman of the Fed sets interest rates and comes up with the long term plan for the economy. Carter elected that Fed chair and took us into the 1980’s, and he created such a good economy Reagan kept him for a bit. Its the same thing with wages. They know obviously that housing prices have gone up but they don’t have the slightest idea what the average person makes, no less out of school, or by degree, or by state, etc.

I’m rambling but it’s hilarious how boomers decry any sort of “socialism” like using their tax dollars to cancel “our” student debt meanwhile they use OUR tax dollars to fund their social security scam. Anyone who thinks a 30 year old will be getting social security when they reach the age is insane. Boomers will dry the well and like everything else leave everybody to pick up the pieces. And while we’re doing that they’ll scream about how many pieces they had to pick up and how it’s not being done fast enough.

Sue Lightning

And of course while boomers cry about how no one wants to work or buy homes they’re doing shit like this. Straddling the prices of rent where young people can’t afford them. And they certainly can’t buy a fucking house because the banks and speculators fucked that all too.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
They’re not. They’re fucking retards. They didn’t have to learn about economies or investing because they were told it would be done for them. And it was. They were born into the greatest economy in history and took it all for granted. They blew the excess money they had into consumerism and “invested” their money into social security and other meaningless bullshit. Look up the percentages of poverty rates and how it relates to people over 55+. Despite being the richest generation they are also somehow the poorest because they are fucking retarded. You wouldn’t believe how many customers I meet who live in these million dollar houses but can’t afford a one time 3 figure charge for something they NEED.

Why do you think every boomer touts the same “Carter bad for economy, Reagan good” bullshit? They have no idea how anything works. Without making this too long winded (it is already) the Chairman of the Fed sets interest rates and comes up with the long term plan for the economy. Carter elected that Fed chair and took us into the 1980’s, and he created such a good economy Reagan kept him for a bit. Its the same thing with wages. They know obviously that housing prices have gone up but they don’t have the slightest idea what the average person makes, no less out of school, or by degree, or by state, etc.

I’m rambling but it’s hilarious how boomers decry any sort of “socialism” like using their tax dollars to cancel “our” student debt meanwhile they use OUR tax dollars to fund their social security scam. Anyone who thinks a 30 year old will be getting social security when they reach the age is insane. Boomers will dry the well and like everything else leave everybody to pick up the pieces. And while we’re doing that they’ll scream about how many pieces they had to pick up and how it’s not being done fast enough.
I’ll keep this brief.


I was just reading how there’s a current popular trend on tik Tok of users telling everyone to AVOID getting a work 401k and it’s spreading all kinds of misinformation and you know sadly there’s a large group of people that get their information from tik tok videos. They should really have this kind of stuff mandatory in school but they’re too busy making nonsense like gender studies mandatory.
What possible justification could they give? 401k is the closest thing to a pension you can get now.