Boomers don’t understand buying power.


The gunslinger.
Every boomer I talk to online or in real life says things like “when I was your age I only made x dollars an hour!” and don’t understand the number is meaningless and the only thing that matters is purchasing power.

Whenever you explain the difference it’s just “but I only made x dollars an hour! It’s because they spend it on coffee and and Netflix!”

I’m now thinking they’re just trolling at this point. There’s no other explanation other than they are actually retarded.
Every boomer I talk to online or in real life says things like “when I was your age I only made x dollars an hour!” and don’t understand the number is meaningless and the only thing that matters is purchasing power.

Whenever you explain the difference it’s just “but I only made x dollars an hour! It’s because they spend it on coffee and and Netflix!”

I’m now thinking they’re just trolling at this point. There’s no other explanation other than they are actually retarded.
Perhaps you're just talking to a lot of retards, as I assumed everyone understood this, as it's really, really obvious.


#1 Poster
"I spent all your inheritance on charity subscriptions and lottery tickets"


Build Black Better

Just say no to crack but yes to parmesan
Boomers don't say nigger or faggot either and they love israel. It's a real fawkin problem.

Listen Nigger Agent Smith, you faggot. I despise Kikestan, the most racist and hypocritical country in the world, and I'm only 6 years shy of being a boomer. You're right, my boomer parents never said nigger, but I'm sure their generation had some word for queers, maybe faggot just wasn't the popular epithet back then. However, my grandparents and their generation not only loved the N word, they took care of the N problem with extreme prejudice. That's why they're called the Greatest Generation.