Bonnie V Dougie

Who sucks more cocks?

  • Dougie the Simpsons enthusiast

  • Bonnie the Simpsons hater

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❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
That hooker thread was made by potatopeeler63, who wasn't me. You are literally retarded though so I don't blame you. You have weird eyes and shit under your fingernails.
That was you and you should be ashamed of yourself. You’re still unmarried despite “overthinking the wife bit.”


The Backbone of America
Goddammit I just wanna tell you boys to stop. But it ain't that easy, is it? You think that Dougie can ride from Fuck Angeles to Shit Fuçk Francisco in seventy-fuck hours though?

You're on, Coolidge.

Professor Rape

49 20 4C 49 4B 45 20 52 41 50 45
Goddammit I just wanna tell you boys to stop. But it ain't that easy, is it? You think that Dougie can ride from Fuck Angeles to Shit Fuçk Francisco in seventy-fuck hours though?

You're on, Coolidge.
Hey I sent him a DM wanting to let bygones be bygones and he just replied saying "You're fucked" and told me to kill myself lol. :image_9248:

I'm too nice sometimes... it's my curse.

Professor Rape

49 20 4C 49 4B 45 20 52 41 50 45
The Simpsons was the best show this side of Dinosaurs and I'll KILL to keep my kitties growing up on Dinosaurs and The Simpsons if it's the last thing I fuckin' do, I swear ta fuckin' God.

(I wouldn't kill a fly. Don't ban me, bro.)
You ever notice how Earl Sinclair and Dan Connor looked the same?



Professor Rape

49 20 4C 49 4B 45 20 52 41 50 45
Lmao yes I did. I had an Earl toy, and it wasn't some happy meal shit either. That was the joke. "That's your daddy! A big fat dinosaur! You're a retarded dinosaur baby, Abe." My dad looked like Dan Connor × Earl Sinclair × Triple H × The Dude
Wait you're Abe and your 30-something alter ego in this post? Or you had an Earl toy in the 90s when you were an old man?