Bonnie V Dougie

Who sucks more cocks?

  • Dougie the Simpsons enthusiast

  • Bonnie the Simpsons hater

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The Backbone of America
I'm going to ignore the real question to say that there was a recent one that I liked. I'm a big time Charlie Brown/Peanuts mark. There was one where Milhouse is Linus and he's waiting for the Great Pumpkin. It appears and is initially friendly but then it sees people eating pumpkin pie and carving pumpkins, mutilating his people, and he pukes a bunch of pumpkin guts and freaks out.

But I like the one where they make Üter into üterbraten.

Professor Rape

49 20 4C 49 4B 45 20 52 41 50 45
I'm going to ignore the real question to say that there was a recent one that I liked. I'm a big time Charlie Brown/Peanuts mark. There was one where Milhouse is Linus and he's waiting for the Great Pumpkin. It appears and is initially friendly but then it sees people eating pumpkin pie and carving pumpkins, mutilating his people, and he pukes a bunch of pumpkin guts and freaks out.

But I like the one where they make Üter into üterbraten.
There was a recent one where Homer became a cannibal but would only eat his own body parts. It was not only shit, but it was disturbing. And not in an entertaining way. Just "well I never want to watch that again".


The Backbone of America
Really? I want to read. I'll try to find.
EDIT: Nothing comes up for "homer" or "cannibal". Can you rewrite.
Would've been around Halloween. I watched all the Treehouses of Horror pretty much on a loop for most of October.

There was definitely a newer one that actually half-assed disturbed me and I said some shit and some stuff about it.

Professor Rape

49 20 4C 49 4B 45 20 52 41 50 45
Would've been around Halloween. I watched all the Treehouses of Horror pretty much on a loop for most of October.

There was definitely a newer one that actually half-assed disturbed me and I said some shit and some stuff about it.
I'm looking at the episode descriptions of recent episodes on wikipedia.

What the fuck is this lol


They did 5 segments instead of 3? Because it's not like they're short for time already. Retards.