Bonnie V Dougie

Who sucks more cocks?

  • Dougie the Simpsons enthusiast

  • Bonnie the Simpsons hater

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12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Congratulations for getting out of the barrel, Suester.


Conspiracy Jenna wonders if this is all a ruse against Dougie to stop the Simpsons car crashes. :fighter_sm::fighter_sm::fighter_sm::fighter_sm:

Classic storytelling. Introduce a stronger, more dangerous enemy so that former rivals have to team up against it.

The Real Ray Wilson

Report @UnPRePared for impersonation and block.
It’s almost like you’re a 53 year old incel.
Witty stuff. Your days of being taken seriously (lol, lmao) are so fucking over you failed rapping bum.

Conspiracy Jenna wonders if this is all a ruse against Dougie to stop the Simpsons car crashes. :fighter_sm::fighter_sm::fighter_sm::fighter_sm:

Classic storytelling. Introduce a stronger, more dangerous enemy so that former rivals have to team up against it.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
You know I can’t say one way or the other but lets say hypothetically someone says “Hey lets team up against Dougie”. I would say “Why? I’m not fighting anybody. It’s a bit”. Hypothetically speaking of course.
You’re not gay if you don’t suck dick.


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
You know I can’t say one way or the other but lets say hypothetically someone says “Hey lets team up against Dougie”. I would say “Why? I’m not fighting anybody. It’s a bit”. Hypothetically speaking of course.
Also hypothetically I asked you a question. I’ll post the DM I don’t care.