Bands who had one good album, but suck otherwise


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I said they had one good album and was deliberately vague. The blue album of course. Pinkerton was a good edgy choice when I was 13 but is gay kid shit at this point. "but why cant I be making love to triangle on a sleeve, let me know the truth...i wanna go back, and I don't even know how I got off the track" yuck. It's the type of music that only makes sense when you're going through puberty, then is embarrassing immediately after. Green and red albums had 2-4 good songs each. Then what? Nothing from these faggots since.

I'm tired of thinking these faggots have any talent left. I used to get excited every new release. They're done. Even that cover album they had sucked. They ruined a toto Africa cover, talentless hacks.

Blue, Green, and Red Album are all great. Make Believe is their best one.