Anthony finally admits to fucking Sue


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
We are having fun, they hate that :image_9253:

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For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I've said this before, but if he just fucking owned up to it from day one, I don't think he'd have gotten much shit.

Oh sure, he'd get some. Not from someone like me, because hey, live your life and don't hurt anyone. I'd almost respect him for being honest for once.

Instead he doubled down and threatened the sub, adding to the pile of lies about how much of a man's man that he is. "That's just my friend!" Yeah, who looks like a fifteen year old kid, asshole. I've had good conversations with my fans who were in their twenties, but I've never pretended to have anything in common with them, let alone take a picture of them in my bloody car.

I'll chalk his admittance up to dementia. Someone tell the FBI to watch it for when he owns up to his KP.


Still spreading the O&A virus
I've said this before, but if he just fucking owned up to it from day one, I don't think he'd have gotten much shit.
Are you nuts? Day one would have been from his 9-year-old faggy self playing with dolls and putting on mommy's shoes. He was a fag as a kid. I was listening to an old show the other day where out of nowhere Anthony said something like "if my dad was still alive I'd pretend to be flaming gay just to mess with him". It is not like he left O&A then changed to be gay. He was a fag from before him and Treefort Richard were blowing each other.

No way O&A would have been a thing if Anthony was an open fag. Half of their meetings with corporate were about them having a young single dude image. Two single guys partying and trying to score with chicks bro. "Late 20s why?". They were told to lie about being married and pretend to be born in the 80s. Children of the 80s. No way that Anthony could be honest about being a fag born the 1960s.


Are you nuts? Day one would have been from his 9-year-old faggy self playing with dolls and putting on mommy's shoes. He was a fag as a kid. I was listening to an old show the other day where out of nowhere Anthony said something like "if my dad was still alive I'd pretend to be flaming gay just to mess with him". It is not like he left O&A then changed to be gay. He was a fag from before him and Treefort Richard were blowing each other.

No way O&A would have been a thing if Anthony was an open fag. Half of their meetings with corporate were about them having a young single dude image. Two single guys partying and trying to score with chicks bro. "Late 20s why?". They were told to lie about being married and pretend to be born in the 80s. Children of the 80s. No way that Anthony could be honest about being a fag born the 1960s.
When you read his book "permanently suspended" he painted the picture he was stealing everybody's girl back in high school. Lying fraud.


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Are you nuts? Day one would have been from his 9-year-old faggy self playing with dolls and putting on mommy's shoes. He was a fag as a kid. I was listening to an old show the other day where out of nowhere Anthony said something like "if my dad was still alive I'd pretend to be flaming gay just to mess with him". It is not like he left O&A then changed to be gay. He was a fag from before him and Treefort Richard were blowing each other.

No way O&A would have been a thing if Anthony was an open fag. Half of their meetings with corporate were about them having a young single dude image. Two single guys partying and trying to score with chicks bro. "Late 20s why?". They were told to lie about being married and pretend to be born in the 80s. Children of the 80s. No way that Anthony could be honest about being a fag born the 1960s.

Why am I still up, Fuck...

Because we all know he's been a lying cunt even before you all admitted it back on Reddit. Too much of his shit was fucking questionable, and far too much of it was really kissing his own ass. No one that ugly was ever that much of a casanova, I don't care if they even had a linguistic capability that rivaled the world's greatest lovers.

For being honest for once, and on such a thing that you know would completely pop every lie balloon he's ever blown up, I think I'd have to give him a pass. Doesn't mean I wouldn't laugh, because he's admitting he's a fraud, but out of sadness for the guy I'd have let it go.


Still spreading the O&A virus
When you read his book "permanently suspended" he painted the picture he was stealing everybody's girl back in high school. Lying fraud.
Anthony's early sexual history is pretty much documented at JFK levels. Off the top of my head:

- Anthony said his father got him a young girl to bang because he thought Anthony was gay, one was Buzz who Anthony claimed he lost his virginity to when he was real young, it is implied by Anthony that his father and Brother Joe may also have banged Buzz
- Anthony was propositioned by Treefort Richard, for a blowjob, and said no by pretending to be asleep and also pretending to be straight, jeeep jeeep jeeeep
- Danny Ross years later says Anthony said yes, and actually did have sex with Richard, whom Anthony regularly described as being male model hot, later Richard dies of AIDS
- Anthony says in high school he skipped school often to get laid and got laid more than anyone else
- Anthony was once played a prank on with an older married woman who invited him into her bed and he refused to get into bed with her, later her husband came home and pretended to catch them fucking for the prank, but Anthony never pulled the trigger so the prank failed, and Anthony gave vague reasons why he never tried to bang the married woman who invited him into her bed
- Anthony moves to Long Island, gets married to his brother's girlfriend at the time after dating and being engaged for weeks basically, on their wedding night alleges on air that he never had sex with his wife on that night and that he drank himself to sleep instead
- begins regularly having threesomes according to Anthony, his wife begins bringing chicks home for both of them
- once turns down drinks with the girls promoting Kahlua to go skinny dipping with them, Opie said that to this day he has no idea why Anthony was so adamant about turning them down
- said he once turned down sex with a female fan during one of their promo gigs because he was married, and that the fan was basically going to bang him in the back of a radio van
- divorces his wife and begins relationship with threesome girl, who allegedly bangs other show members besides Anthony

And this is just the early stuff. Obviously later you get into Melissa, Jill, Dani, Sue Lightning, and who knows what else.


Anthony's early sexual history is pretty much documented at JFK levels. Off the top of my head:

- Anthony said his father got him a young girl to bang because he thought Anthony was gay, one was Buzz who Anthony claimed he lost his virginity to when he was real young, it is implied by Anthony that his father and Brother Joe may also have banged Buzz
- Anthony was propositioned by Treefort Richard, for a blowjob, and said no by pretending to be asleep and also pretending to be straight, jeeep jeeep jeeeep
- Danny Ross years later says Anthony said yes, and actually did have sex with Richard, whom Anthony regularly described as being male model hot, later Richard dies of AIDS
- Anthony says in high school he skipped school often to get laid and got laid more than anyone else
- Anthony was once played a prank on with an older married woman who invited him into her bed and he refused to get into bed with her, later her husband came home and pretended to catch them fucking for the prank, but Anthony never pulled the trigger so the prank failed, and Anthony gave vague reasons why he never tried to bang the married woman who invited him into her bed
- Anthony moves to Long Island, gets married to his brother's girlfriend at the time after dating and being engaged for weeks basically, on their wedding night alleges on air that he never had sex with his wife on that night and that he drank himself to sleep instead
- begins regularly having threesomes according to Anthony, his wife begins bringing chicks home for both of them
- once turns down drinks with the girls promoting Kahlua to go skinny dipping with them, Opie said that to this day he has no idea why Anthony was so adamant about turning them down
- said he once turned down sex with a female fan during one of their promo gigs because he was married, and that the fan was basically going to bang him in the back of a radio van
- divorces his wife and begins relationship with threesome girl, who allegedly bangs other show members besides Anthony

And this is just the early stuff. Obviously later you get into Melissa, Jill, Dani, Sue Lightning, and who knows what else.


The limp wrists, the long graceful tilt in his neck, the big bambi eyes, he was meant to be a twink, but his evil thoughts turned him ghoulish.


A circle of N-words
Is this a moment of clarity?
Yes. A moment of clarity from his alcoholic stupor. Through the Miller Lite haze, and beyond the fog of obscurity. He saw a smooth young androgynous boy with fake supple breasts, and suddenly he was at peace with his inner demon. He saw the face of god shining on that young boys petite, bite size pecker.

I guess Im trying to say he's still a faggot, is all.