Active shooter at Texas Elementary School



Me seeing Lucy Lawless pictures = active shooter.



May St. Mel bless you
True. I don't watch TV news, for what it's worth. I mean the media and Democrats are using that shooting to push their agenda: internet censorship and branding anyone with right leaning views as the same as the shooter. The sooner something big enough to push Bafflo off the news happens, the sooner libs lose the momentum to push their bullshit.


I have a face like a shovel
True. I don't watch TV news, for what it's worth. I mean the media and Democrats are using that shooting to push their agenda: internet censorship and branding anyone with right leaning views as the same as the shooter. The sooner something big enough to push Bafflo off the news happens, the sooner libs lose the momentum to push their bullshit.

bro- just learn to let go.....let go of all of this

let go of the dems, woke, kids getting participation trophy's, "DAY TOOK OUR JOBS"

let go of all of that shit, and just enjoy whatever brings you content-ness

let go


I have a face like a shovel
all this bullshit that we complain about here is a fun reality show to have in the background, and you want know what's going on in the zeitgeist to not be totally aloof....but also know that it's all bullshit...none of it matters
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