You know what?


Life of my story
I might as well follow Patrick's lead and announce to the world via social media that my wife is still with me and mention her by name. That's what secure men do, right? So the world knows how great their 2nd remaining wife is...

K then it's settled. Check back tomorrow for more updates about our marriage status.
I might as well follow Patrick's lead and announce to the world via social media that my wife is still with me and mention her by name. That's what secure men do, right? So the world knows how great their 2nd remaining wife is...

K then it's settled. Check back tomorrow for more updates about our marriage status.
She sounds like a real battle-axe.


I might as well follow Patrick's lead and announce to the world via social media that my wife is still with me and mention her by name. That's what secure men do, right? So the world knows how great their 2nd remaining wife is...

K then it's settled. Check back tomorrow for more updates about our marriage status.
Yeah. You can always tell the people on social media who have shitty relationships. Most of the time, they're the ones putting up all the couple pics and talking about how the other on is "their rock" or "can't live without them." Yada yada.

Same with the people who are freshly broken-up/divorced. That's when all the selfies start.


Breakfast Corn
Don't forget to buy her gifts that were on sale, and tell everyone how much she enjoyed it too.
Most of the gifts he gets her are things he actually wanted. Who buys their non-gamer wife a video game system for xmas? She probably played it twice and hasnt touched it since.



Life of my story
Most of the gifts he gets her are things he actually wanted. Who buys their non-gamer wife a video game system for xmas? She probably played it twice and hasnt touched it since.

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"Okay sweetie, now let me get a quick photo of you with the thing you hate."

God. I'd never seen this one before. He's such a hack. He's fucking Homer Simpson buying Marge a bowling ball that's fitted to his hand.